Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
J. Erhel: Master M2; title: Cours de modélisation et calcul scientifique; 12 hours; INSA, Rennes, France.
É. Canot: Master M2; title: TP de modélisation et calcul scientifique; 12 hours; INSA, Rennes, France.
PhD: L. Lenôtre, University of Rennes 1, November 2015, co-advisors A. Lejay (Inria Nancy) and G. Pichot, with J. Erhel.
PhD: S. Mansour, University of Rennes 1 with LIU and AUB (Beiruth, Lebanon), December 2015, co-advisors É. Canot, M. Muhieddine and N. Nassif.
PhD in progress: B. Delfino, University of Rennes 1, November 2015, co-advisors J.-R. de Dreuzy and J. Erhel.
PhD in progress: P.-M. Gibert, University of Lyon, October 2015, co-advisors D. Tromeur-Dervout and J. Erhel.
PhD in progress: M. ben Refifa, University of Tunis, October 2013, advisors R. Bouhlila and É. Canot.
PhD: A. Abeduwia, University of Littoral Côte d'Opale (Calais), Mathematics, December 2015. Reviewer J. Erhel.
PhD: C. Robinson, University of Rennes 1, Mathematics, December 2015. Committee member J. Erhel.
HdR: A. Beaudoin, University of Poitiers, Geosciences, December 2015. Committee member J. Erhel.