Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Event Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Samir Perlaza was one of the general chairs of the Inria – GDR-ISIS Meeting: Recent Advances in Information Theory and Coding Theory, held in the campus of Université de Lyon, Bibliothéque Marie Curie de l’INSA de Lyon, Lyon, November 29, 2015, France.
Samir Perlaza was one of the scientific chairs of the Inria – Intech: La théorie des jeux à l'œuvre dans la société, l'économie et l'industrie, held in Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes, Montbonnot, Juin 30, 2015, France.
Member of Organizing Committees
Florent de Dinechin was a member of the following organizing committee:
Jean-Marie Gorce was a member of the following organizing committees:
Samir Perlaza was a member of the following organizing committee:
Member of Conference Program Committees
Florent de Dinechin was a member of the following program committees:
IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP)
IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)
IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technologies (FPT)
IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig)
International Symposium on Highly Efficient Reconfigurable Accelerator Technologies (HEART)
Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système (CompAS)
Jean-Marie Gorce was a member of the following program committees:
Tanguy Risset was a member of the following program committees:
Samir Perlaza was a member of the following program committees:
Guillaume Villemaud was a member of the following program committees:
Yasser Fadlallah was a member of the following program committees:
Member of Editorial Boards
Florent de Dinechin is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers
Jean-Marie Gorce is an associate editor of Telecommunications Systems (Springer) and Journal of Wireless communications and Networking (Springer).
Guillaume Villemaud is an associate editor of Annals of Telecommunications (Springer).
Tutorials at International Conferences
Samir Perlaza delivered the tutorial “Output Feedback in Wireless Communications” at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, June, 2015. Joint work with H. Vincent Poor (Princeton University, NJ) and Ravi Tandon (Virginia Tech, VA).
Invited Talks
Samir Perlaza delivered the invited talk “On the Impact of Network-State Knowledge on the Feasibility of Secrecy” at the London Probability Seminar, advances in information theory, Imperial College London, Juin 10, 2015, London, UK.
Samir Perlaza delivered the invited talk “On the Impact of Network-State Knowledge on the Feasibility of Secrecy” at the MESCAL Seminar, Inria, Rhône-Alpes Research Centre, Mai 21, 2015, Montbonnot, France.
Selma Belhadj Amor delivered the invited talk “Simultaneous energy and information transmission in Gaussian multiple access channels” at the Inria – GDR-ISIS Seminar on Recent Advances in Information Theory and Coding Theory, Nov 29, 2015, Lyon, France.
Selma Belhadj Amor delivered the invited talk “Simultaneous energy and information transmission in Gaussian multiple access channels” at the SOCRATE Seminar, Inria, Rhône-Alpes, CITI Lab, Mai 21, 2015, Lyon, France.
Victor Quintero delivered the invited talk “Noisy Channel-Output Feedback Capacity of the Linear Deterministic Interference Channel” at the SOCRATE Seminar, Inria, Rhône-Alpes, CITI Lab, Mai 21, 2015, Lyon, France.
Victor Quintero delivered the invited talk “Noisy Channel-Output Feedback Capacity of the Linear Deterministic Interference Channel” at the Inria – GDR-ISIS Seminar on Recent Advances in Information Theory and Coding Theory, Nov 29, 2015, Lyon, France.
Jean-Marie Gorce: energy efficiency - spectral efficiency tradeoff with distributed interference alignment strategies in 4G networks and beyond. In special session on Smart and Efficient wireless networks and technologies at First URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC), May, 20th, 2015.
Leonardo Sampaio Cardoso deliver the invited talk “Building and using the CorteXlab plaform” at Rutgers University, at Winlab research meeting June 10, 2015, New Jersey, USA.
Florin Hutu: Energy optimization of radio transmission using wake-up radio. In First URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC), May, 2015.
Tanguy Risset is expert in the European Technology Platform for communications networks and services (NetWorld2020 )
Research Administration
Jean-Marie Gorce was a member of the Comité National des Universities (CNU) in section 61 signal processing (2011-2015).
Jean-Marie Gorce is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Inria-ALU Bell Labs common lab.
Jean-Marie Gorce is a member of the jury prix de thèse 2016 Signal Image et Vision, soutenu par l'association GRETSI, le GDR ISIS et le club EEA.