Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
FIT/CortexLab Interference Alignement Demo on Green-Touch Final Meeting
Join GreenTouch in New York City on June 18th to celebrate the announcement of its final results. GreenTouch was founded five years ago with the ambitious goal to improve energy efficiency of communications and data networks by a factor of 1,000.
Socrate was invited to give one of the 15 demos of key technology to reduce power consumption. The demo gives a proof of concept and focuses on the main challenges related to interference alignment, namely the knowledge of the interference footprint and the scheduling algorithms to make use of the interference information to maximize the spectral efficiency. A wireless network is emulated on CorteXlab ( ), a controlled hardware facility located in Lyon, France with remotely programmable radios and multi-node processing capabilities. During the live demo, a control laptop is remotely connected to the facility, deploying software on the radios and launching an interference alignment scenario and collecting real-time performance feedback. The efficiency gain of interference alignment is then shown for various experimental conditions that can be tuned from the control laptop.
The article Code generators for mathematical functions received the best paper award of the 22d IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Jun 2015, Lyon, France; and
The article A parallel unbalanced digitization architecture to reduce the dynamic range of multiple signals [28] was one of the best student paper award finalists of the 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC), 2015 , May 2015, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Samir Perlaza was granted with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (2015-2016) by the European Commission and he was elevated to IEEE Senior Member in June 2015.
Best Paper Award:
[13]Code generators for mathematical functions, in: 22d IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Lyon, France, June 2015, Best paper award.