Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
Raymond Namyst was publicity co-chair of ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2015 (CF'15).
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
Samuel Thibault was a program committee member for EuroPar'15.
Raymond Namyst was member of the program committee for IEEE Cluster 2015, ROSS 2015, PPAM 2015, RESPA 2015, SAC/MUSEPAT 2016 and EuroPar 2016.
The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for various internationcal conferences such as IPDPS, Super-Computing, Euro-Par, ICPP.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
The members of the team review papers from many high-level journals such as TPDS, CCPE, TACO, JPDC.
Invited talks
Samuel Thibault was invited to participate to the HCW panel at IPDPS'15, and to the GPU thematic school in Grenoble in December 2015.
Olivier Aumage was invited to participate to the workshop on Graph-based Languages and Task Programming workshop organized by the company Total in Pau in March 2015, and to the Parallel Runtimes and Architectures panel at the HiPEAC Computer System Week in Oslo in May 2015.
Scientific expertise
Raymond Namyst has been Scientific Advisor at CEA/DAM (French Department of Energy) since 2007.
Denis Barthou was scientific expert for ANR CIFRE PhD files and for ANR HPC/simulation proposal.
Research administration
Raymond Namyst is member of the committee in charge of allocating research delegations at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.