Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Teaching administration
Raymond Namyst is co-chair of Teaching Department in Computer Science of University of Bordeaux
Denis Barthou is in charge of the RSR option (M2 level) at Bordeaux INP.
Samuel Thibault is responsible for the computer science topic of the first university semester.
Licence : Marie-Christine Counilh, Introduction to Computer Science, 42HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Marie-Christine Counilh, Object Oriented Programming, 51HeTD, L2, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Raymond Namyst, Computer Architecture, 38HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Raymond Namyst, System Programming, 59HeTD, L3, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Samuel Thibault, Introduction to Computer Science, 42HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Samuel Thibault, Networking and programming project, 24HeTD, L3, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Pierre-André Wacrenier, Introduction to Computer Science, 42HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Pierre-André Wacrenier, System Programming, 35HeTD, L3, University of Bordeaux
Master : Raymond Namyst, Operating Systems, 60HeTD, M1, University of Bordeaux
Master : Raymond Namyst, Parallel Programming, 33HeTD, M1, University of Bordeaux
Master : Samuel Thibault, Operating Systems, 24HeTD, M1, University of Bordeaux
Master : Pierre-André Wacrenier, Parallel Programming, 51HeTD, M1, University of Bordeaux
Engineer School : Olivier Aumage, High Performance Communication Libraries, 20HeTD, Bac+5, ENSEIRB/IPB
Engineer School : Olivier Aumage, Languages and Supports for Parallelism, 14HeTD, Bac+5, ENSEIRB/IPB
Engineer School : Nathalie Furmento, Operating Systems, 20HeTD, Bac+5, ENSEIRB/IPB
Engineer School: Denis Barthou, Compilation, 28HeTD, M1, ENSEIRB/IPB
Engineer School: Denis Barthou, Computer Architectures, 54HeTD, L3, ENSEIRB/IPB
Engineer School/M2: Denis Barthou, Architecture of parallel computers, 24HeTD, M2, ENSEIRB/IPB
Engineer School: Denis Barthou, Games and interaction, 20HeTD, M2, ENSEIRB/IPB
Engineer School: Denis Barthou, Programming and Software Engineering, 55HeTD, L3/M1, ENSEIRB/IPB
PhD: Corentin Rossignon, Design of an object-oriented runtime system for oil reserve simulations on heterogeneous architectures, 2015/07, Olivier Aumage and Pascal Hénon (TOTAL) and Raymond Namyst and Samuel Thibault
PhD: Paul-Antoine Arras, Ordonnancement d'applications à flux de données pour les MPSoC embarqués hybrides comprenant des unités de calcul programmables et des accélérateurs matériels, 2015/02, Emmanuel Jeannot, Samuel Thibault, Didier Fuin, Arthur Stoutchinin
PhD: Emmanuelle Saillard, Static/dynamic/iterative analyses for validation and improvement of multi-models HPC applications, U. Bordeaux, 2015/09, Patrick Carribault (CEA) and Denis Barthou
PhD: Emmanuel Cieren, Molecular Dynamics on Exascale Supercomputers, 2015/10, Laurent Colombet (CEA), Raymond Namyst
PhD: Antoine Capra, Virtualization in the context of High Parallel Computing, 2015/12, Marc Pérache (CEA), François Diakhaté (CEA), Raymond Namyst
PhD: Pei Li, Unified system of code transformation and execution for heterogeneous multi-core architectures, 2015/12, Elisabeth Brunet (Telecom Sud-Paris), Raymond Namyst
PhD in progress: Christopher Haine, Estimating efficiency and automatic restructuration of data layout, 2014/01, Olivier Aumage, Denis Barthou
PhD in progress: Jérôme Richard, Conception of a software component model with task scheduling for many-core based parallel architecture, application to the Gysela5D code, 2014/11, Christian Perez (LIP/ENSL), Julien Bigot (Maison de la Simulation), Olivier Aumage, Guillaume LATU (IRFM).
PhD in progress: Marc Sergent , Passage à l’échelle de moteur d’exécution à base de graphes de tâches, 2013/09, Olivier Aumage , David Goudin (CEA/CESTA), Samuel Thibault , Raymond Namyst
PhD in progress: Suraj Kumar, Task-based programming paradigms and scheduling, 2013/12, Emmanuel Agullo, Olivier Beaumont, Samuel Thibault
PhD in progress: Hugo Brunie. Characterizing and Using Hierarchical Heterogeneous Memories. 2015/09, Julien Jaeger (CEA), Patrick Carribault (CEA), Denis Barthou
PhD in progress: P. Huchant. Static/Dynamic Parallelism Adaptation. 2015/09, Denis Barthou, Raymond Namyst
PhD in progress: G. Vaumourin. Hybrid Memory Hierarchy and Dynamic Data Handling in Embedded Parallel Architectures. Alexandre Guerre (CEA), Thomas Dombek (CEA), Denis Barthou
PhD in progress: J.C. Papin, Potentials-based dynamic scheduling and partitioning tools for domain decomposition based simulations, Laurent Colombet (CEA), Raymond Namyst
Samuel Thibault was member of PhD defense jury of the following candidates:
Denis Barthou was member of PhD defense jury of the following candidates:
Raymond Namyst was member of the PhD defense jury of the following candidates:
He was also member of the HDR defense jury of the following candidates:
Nathalie Furmento was member of a Recruiter Committee for a permanent engineer position at the Université de la Rochelle.