Section: New Results

Finite element for full-MHD problems

Participants : Emmanuel Franck [correspondent] , Eric Sonnendrücker.

This work have begun at the end of 2015. It is organized around a PhD: Mustafa Gaja supervised by E. Sonnendrücker, A. Ratnani and E. Franck at the Max-Planck Institute of Plasma Physic. The aim of this work is to design and study compatible finite element method (finite element method which preserve the DeRham sequence and the inclusion between the functional space) for B-Splines. This method will allow to discretize efficiently the Maxwell equations, the MHD model and some operators as curl-curl or grad-div vectorial operators which appear in the physic-based PC. For now, we have begun to study the finite element discretization of vectorial operators which appears in the linearized Euler equations and in the physic-based PC associated.