Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR project GYPSI (2010-2015), : coordinator Philippe Ghendrih (CEA Cadarache), other participants, University of Marseille, Universities of Strasbourg and Nancy (CALVI and then TONUS project-team). The aim is to understand the physics of turbulence in magnetically confined plasma using numerical simulation
Participants : Philippe Helluy [local coordinator] , Michel Mehrenberger.
ANR project ”PEPPSI” in Programme Blanc SIMI 9 – Sciences de l’ingénierie (Edition 2012) started in 2013.
Participants : Giovanni Manfredi [coordinator] , Sever Adrian Hirstoaga.
The TONUS project belongs to the IPL FRATRES and there was an annual meeting, on 15-16 October 2015, with talks of Emmanuel Franck, Philippe Helluy, Sever Adrian Hirstoaga, Michel Mehrenberger.
IPL C2S@exa
The TONUS and HIEPACS project have obtained the financial support of the PhD thesis of Nicolas Bouzat thanks to the IPL C2S@exa. Nicolas Bouzat works at CEA Cadarache and is supervised locally by Guillaume Latu; the PhD advisors are Michel Mehrenberger and Jean Roman.
Competitivity clusters
GENCI projet : t2015067387 "Simulation numérique des plasmas par des méthodes semi-lagrangiennes et eulériennes adaptées" 800 000 scalar computing hours on CURIE_standard (January 2015-February 2016); use: 300 000 heures.
Participants : Sever Adrian Hirstoaga, Guillaume Latu, Michel Mehrenberger [coordinator] , Thi Nhung Pham, Christophe Steiner.
GENCI projet : t2016067580 "Simulation numérique des plasmas par des méthodes semi-lagrangiennes et PIC adaptées" 450 000 scalar computing hours on CURIE_standard (January 2016-January 2017); coordinator: Michel Mehrenberger