Section: New Results
Characterizing and deploying urban networks
Participants: Ahmed Boubrima, Angelo Furno, Diala Naboulsi, Patrice Raveneau, Walid Bechkit, Marco Fiore, Hervé Rivano, Razvan Stanica.
Collection and Analysis of Mobile Phone Data
Cellular communications are undergoing significant evolutions in order to accommodate the load generated by increasingly pervasive smart mobile devices. At the same time, recent generations of mobile phones, embedding a wide variety of sensors, have fostered the development of open sensing applications, while cellular operators are looking for new services they can provide using the data collected on their side, in the access or the core network.
The analysis of operator-side data is a recently emerged research field, and, apart a few outliers, relevant works cover the period from 2005 to date, with a sensible densification over the last three years. In [9] , we provided a thorough review of the multidisciplinary activities that rely on mobile traffic datasets, identifying major categories and sub-categories in the literature, so as to outline a hierarchical classification of research lines and proposing a complete introductory guide to the research based on mobile traffic analysis. The usage of these datasets in the design of new networking solutions, in order to achieve the so-called cognitive networking paradigm, is discussed in detail in the PhD thesis of Diala Naboulsi [2] , where the examples of green networking and virtualized radio access networks are given.
When constructing a social network from interactions among people (e.g., phone calls, encounters), a crucial task is to define the threshold that separates social from random (or casual) relationships. The ability to accurately identify social relationships becomes essential to applications that rely on a precise description of human routines, such as recommendation systems, forwarding strategies and opportunistic dissemination protocols. We thus proposed a strategy to analyze users' interactions in dynamic networks where entities act according to their interests and activity dynamics [10] . Our strategy allows classifying users interactions, separating random ties from social ones, and unveils significant differences among the dynamics of users' wireless interactions in the datasets.
Furthermore, mobile traffic data has been recently used to characterize the urban environment in terms of urban fabric profiles. While showing promising results, the existing urban fabric detection solutions are built without a clear understanding of the detection process chain. In [16] , we distinguished and analyzed the different steps common to all urban profiling techniques. By evaluating the impact of each step of the process, we were able to propose a new solution that outperforms the state of the art techniques. Our approach uses the weekly periodicity of human activities, as well as a median-based filtering technique, resulting in a better clustering in terms of both coverage and entropy, as shown by results obtained on two large scale mobile traffic datasets covering the urban areas of Milan and Turin, in Italy. The solution proposed in this work was selected among the 10 finalists of the Telecom Italia Big Data challenge.
A second source of mobile data is the smartphone itself. In the context of the PrivaMov project, funded by the Labex IMU, we developed and deployed a data collection platform on more than 100 Android devices. A first step in the study of this enormous dataset (more than 50 Gb have been collected to date) was presented in [21] , with a focus on the extraction of user mobility information and Wi-Fi mapping. This led us to the study of Wi-Fi tracking, a method relying on signals emitted by portable devices to track individuals for commercial, security or surveillance purposes. Wi-Fi tracking has the potential to passively track a large fraction of the population and is therefore an ideal population surveillance technology and a serious privacy threat. In [19] , we argue that Wi-Fi routers make an ideal building block to create a large scale Wi-Fi tracking system, showing how they can be easily turned into Wi-Fi tracking devices through software modification. We provided a first evaluation of the tracking capabilities of an hypothetical Wi-Fi tracking system through a set of simulations based on real-world datasets. Results showed that the spatial distribution of Wi-Fi routers is such that compromising even a small fraction of Wi-Fi routers is sufficient to track people for a large fraction of the time.
Preservation of user privacy is therefore paramount in the publication of datasets that contain fine-grained information about individuals. The problem is especially critical in the case of mobile traffic datasets collected by cellular operators, as discussed above, as they feature high subscriber trajectory uniqueness and they are resistant to anonymization through spatiotemporal generalization. In [17] , we first unveiled the reasons behind such undesirable features of mobile traffic datasets, by leveraging an original measure of the anonymizability of users’ mobile fingerprints. Building on such findings, we proposed GLOVE, an algorithm that grants k-anonymity of trajectories through specialized generalization. We evaluated our methodology on two nationwide mobile traffic datasets, and show that it achieves k-anonymity while preserving a substantial level of accuracy in the data.
Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks for Pollution Monitoring
Recently, air pollution monitoring emerged as one of the main services of smart cities because of the increasing industrialization and the massive urbanization. Wireless Sensor Networks are a suitable technology for this purpose, thanks to their substantial benefits including low cost and autonomy. Minimizing the deployment cost is one of the major challenges in the design of such networks, therefore sensors positions have to be carefully determined. In [13] , we proposed two integer linear programming formulations based on real pollutants dispersion modeling to deal with the minimum cost sensor network deployment for air pollution monitoring. We illustrated the concept by applying our models on real world data, namely the Nottingham City street lights. We compared the two models in terms of execution time and showed that the second flow-based formulation is much better. We finally conducted extensive simulations to study the impact of some parameters and derive some guidelines for efficient urban sensor deployment for air pollution monitoring.