Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • Hervé Rivano was general co-chair of the ResCom Summer School "Smart Cities", held in Lyon in June 2015.

Member of the organizing committees
  • Razvan Stanica was in the organizing committee of the ResCom Summer School "Smart Cities", held in Lyon in June 2015.

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • Walid Bechkit was TPC member for the following conferences: IEEE ICC, IEEE CCNC,​ ​ACS/IEEE​ ​AICCSA, IWCMC and ISPS.

  • Marco Fiore was TPC member for IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE WoWMoM, IEEE ICC, IEEE VNC, IEEE VTC, IEEE/IFIP WONS, IEEE WF-IoT, MobiArch, ExtremeCom, IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days, IEEE UIC, IEEE WiMob, and a number of international workshops.

  • Razvan Stanica was in the TPC of the following conferences: IEEE ICC, IEEE GlobeCom, IEEE VTC Fall, IEEE CCNC, ISNCC, WSC, ICCVE, GIIS, IOV, MobiArch, MobiApps, WF-IoT, INTGAST, AlgoTel.

  • Fabrice Valois was in the TPC of the following confrences: IEEE ICC, IEEE AINA, IEEE Globecom, IWCMC, IEEE VTC Spring, IEEE WCNC.


Member of the editorial boards
  • Marco Fiore is Technical Committee member for Elsevier Computer Communications.

  • Marco Fiore and Razvan Stanica were Guest Editors for the Elsevier Computer Communication special issue on Mobile Traffic Analytics.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Walid Bechkit was a reviewer for the following journals: Elsevier Ad-Hoc Networks​, Telecommunication Systems and Journal of Network and Computer Applications​.

  • Marco Fiore served as a reviewer for a number of international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Elsevier Ad-hoc Networks, Elsevier Computer Communications, Elsevier Vehicular Communications.

  • Razvan Stanica was a reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Communications Magazine, Elsevier Ad-Hoc Networks, Elsevier Computer Communications, Elsevier Vehicular Communications, Springer Annals of Telecommunications, IEEE Sensors Journal, Sensors, Procedia Engineering, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering.

Invited talks

  • Marco Fiore gave an invited talk "Mobile Traffic Data Analytics for 5G Cognitive Networking" at the 1st GdR MaDICS Workshop on Big Data for the 5G RAN, Paris, November 2015.

  • Marco Fiore gave an invited lecture on "Mining cellular traffic collected at mobile operator network probes" at the Networks and Data Mining Summer School, Luchon, June 2015.

  • Marco Fiore gave an invited talk "Road traffic modeling with an eye to networking applications" atTelecom Sud Paris, Paris, June 2015.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk and a demo entitled "Capteurs pour la route intelligente" at the inauguration conference of the Sense City EquipEx, Marne la Vallée, March 2015.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk entitled "Issues of urban capillary networks" in the Japan-France workshop on Cyber security, French Embassy, Tokyo, April 2015.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk entitled "Urban networks for Smarter Cities" in the Aristote association workshop on Smart Cities, Ecole Polytechnique, April 2015.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk entitled "Networking for Smarter Cities" in the Berkeley-Inria-Stanford workshop of Inria@SiliconValley, Berkeley, May 2015.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk and a demo entitled "Sensors for smart roads" in the Global Metropolitan Lab of the World Bank, Marne la Vallée, June 2015.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk entitled "Including citizens in the design of Smart Cities – Needs, results and challenges of interdisciplinarity" in the CNRS Lamsade/NSF-Dimacs Citizens Science workshop, Paris, December 2015.

  • Razvan Stanica gave an invited talk entitled "Véhicules connectés : Pourquoi nos voitures apprennent à parler?" in the Connected Objects workshop organized in the context of the 28th Jacques Cartier Meetings, Lyon, December 2015.

  • Fabrice Valois gave an invited talk entitled "Capillary networks for Smart Cities" in the Ecole d’été ResCom, GDR CNRS, Lyon, June 2015.

Leadership within the scientific community

  • Hervé Rivano has been named in the working group of Rhone Alpes region and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations on "Territoires Augmentés", Lyon, November 2015.

  • Fabrice Valois has been named as a member of the Scientific Council of the LIMOS-UMR6158 laboratory, Clermont Ferrand, in January 2015.

Scientific expertise

  • Marco Fiore was a reviewer for the following calls: MiSe FCS (Italy), MiSe DA (Italy), ANR appel générique (France).

  • Hervé Rivano has done a scientific expertise for the Aquitaine Province, April 2015.

  • Hervé Rivano is involved in the "Villes et territoires innovants" working group of the Conseil National de l’Information Géographique.

Research administration

  • Walid Bechkit is responsible for seminar organization and scientific animation within the CITI laboratory.

  • Hervé Rivano is responsible with the Economic and Strategic Intelligence affairs of the CITI research laboratory, in charge with setting up ZRRs withing the lab.

  • Hervé Rivano is member of the Administration Council of the EquipEx Sense City as representative of Inria.

  • Hervé Rivano is member of the Steering Committee of the ResCom axis of the ASR CNRS GdR.

  • Hervé Rivano and Razvan Stanica are members in the CITI laboratory council.

  • Razvan Stanica is the CITI laboratory correspondent with the Labex IMU.

  • Fabrice Valois is director of the CITI research laboratory of INSA Lyon.