Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: Dissemination

Invited presentations

  • R. Arandjelović, Invited talk, DeepMind, London, United Kingdom, October 13, 2015

  • M. Cho, Invited talk, Postech, Pohang, South Korea, November 30, 2015

  • I. Laptev, Amazon, Seattle, USA, Nov, 2015.

  • I. Laptev, Deep Video Workshop, Santa Cruz, USA, Nov, 2015.

  • I. Laptev, EHESS, Paris, France, Nov 16 - 18, 2015.

  • I. Laptev, Keynote Speaker, NCCV, Sept. 14-15, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 2015.

  • I. Laptev, Institute for Computer Graphics and VisionTU Graz, Austria, July, 2015.

  • I. Laptev, DALI Workshop, La Palma, Spain, April 2015.

  • I. Laptev, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, April 2015.

  • I. Laptev, CVPR'15 Area Chair Workshop, Boston, MA, USA, March 2015.

  • I. Laptev, GDR-ISIS, Paris, France, March, 2015.

  • I. Laptev, Deep Learning Summit, San Francisco, USA, Jan. 2015.

  • J. Ponce, IAS Workshop on Functoriality in Geometric Data, Hong Kong, April 2015.

  • J. Ponce, ORASIS Workshop, Amiens, June 2015.

  • J. Ponce, Optimization in Machine learning, vision and image processing Workshop, Toulouse, October 2015.

  • J. Ponce, SAMSUNG DMC, Seoul, Korea, October 2015.

  • J. Ponce, 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Goyang City, Korea, October 2015.

  • J. Ponce, International Conference in Big Data and Information Analytics, Xi'an, China, October 2015.

  • J. Ponce, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, October 2015.

  • J. Ponce, Software and Digital Humanities Workshop, Paris, November 2015.

  • J. Ponce, Algortithms for Human-Robot Interaction, Berkeley, USA, November 2015.

  • J. Ponce, Distinguished speaker, Faculty of Engineering, Hong Kong University, December 2015.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, the CIFAR workshop, Montreal, December 2015.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, the Workshop on Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, CVPR 2015.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, the Aristote seminar on scientific computing for smart cities, 2015.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, the High Visual Computing seminar, 2015.

  • J. Sivic, Talk at Inria ComDir, 2015.