Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
MSR-Inria joint lab: Image and video mining for science and humanities (Inria)
Participants : Leon Bottou [Facebook] , Ivan Laptev, Maxime Oquab, Jean Ponce, Josef Sivic, Cordelia Schmid [Inria Lear] .
This collaborative project brings together the WILLOW and LEAR project-teams with MSR researchers in Cambridge and elsewhere. The concept builds on several ideas articulated in the “2020 Science” report, including the importance of data mining and machine learning in computational science. Rather than focusing only on natural sciences, however, we propose here to expand the breadth of e-science to include humanities and social sciences. The project we propose will focus on fundamental computer science research in computer vision and machine learning, and its application to archaeology, cultural heritage preservation, environmental science, and sociology, and it will be validated by collaborations with researchers and practitioners in these fields.
In October 2013 a new agreement has been signed for 2013-2016 with the research focus on automatic understanding of dynamic video content. Recent studies predict that by 2018 video will account for 80-90% of traffic on the Internet. Automatic understanding and interpretation of video content is a key enabling factor for a range of practical applications such as organizing and searching home videos or content aware video advertising. For example, interpreting videos of “making a birthday cake" or “planting a tree" could provide effective means for advertising products in local grocery stores or garden centers. The goal of this project is to perform fundamental computer science research in computer vision and machine learning in order to enhance the current capabilities to automatically understand, search and organize dynamic video content.