Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

IARPA FINDER Visual geo-localization (Inria)

Participants : Josef Sivic, Petr Gronat, Relja Arandjelovic.

Finder is an IARPA funded project aiming to develop technology to geo-localize images and videos that do not have geolocation tag. It is common today for even consumer-grade cameras to tag the images that they capture with the location of the image on the earth's surface (“geolocation"). However, some imagery does not have a geolocation tag and it can be important to know the location of the camera, image, or objects in the scene. Finder aims to develop technology to automatically or semi-automatically geo-localize images and video that do not have the geolocation tag using reference data from many sources, including overhead and ground-based images, digital elevation data, existing well-understood image collections, surface geology, geography, and cultural information.

Partners: ObjectVideo, DigitalGlobe, UC Berkeley, CMU, Brown Univ., Cornell Univ., Univ. of Kentucky, GMU, Indiana Univ., and Washington Univ.

Inria CityLab initiative

Participants : Josef Sivic, Jean Ponce, Ivan Laptev, Alexei Efros [UC Berkeley] .

Willow participates in the ongoing CityLab@Inria initiative (co-ordinated by V. Issarny), which aims to leverage Inria research results towards developing “smart cities" by enabling radically new ways of living in, regulating, operating and managing cities. The activity of Willow focuses on urban-scale quantitative visual analysis and is pursued in collaboration with A. Efros (UC Berkeley).

Currently, map-based street-level imagery, such as Google Street-view provides a comprehensive visual record of many cities worldwide. Additional visual sensors are likely to be wide-spread in near future: cameras will be built in most manufactured cars and (some) people will continuously capture their daily visual experience using wearable mobile devices such as Google Glass. All this data will provide large-scale, comprehensive and dynamically updated visual record of urban environments.

The goal of this project is to develop automatic data analytic tools for large-scale quantitative analysis of such dynamic visual data. The aim is to provide quantitative answers to questions like: What are the typical architectural elements (e.g., different types of windows or balconies) characterizing a visual style of a city district? What is their geo-spatial distribution (see figure 1)? How does the visual style of a geo-spatial area evolve over time? What are the boundaries between visually coherent areas in a city? Other types of interesting questions concern distribution of people and their activities: How do the number of people and their activities at particular places evolve during a day, over different seasons or years? Are there tourists sightseeing, urban dwellers shopping, elderly walking dogs, or children playing on the street? What are the major causes for bicycle accidents?

Break-through progress on these goals would open-up completely new ways smart cities are visualized, modeled, planned and simulated, taking into account large-scale dynamic visual input from a range of visual sensors (e.g., cameras on cars, visual data from citizens, or static surveillance cameras).