Section: Research Program
Big Data
Big data has become a buzz word, with different meanings depending on your perspective, e.g. 100 terabytes is big for a transaction processing system, but small for a web search engine. It is also a moving target, as shown by two landmarks in DBMS products: the Teradata database machine in the 1980's and the Oracle Exadata database machine in 2010.
Although big data has been around for a long time, it is now more important than ever. We can see overwhelming amounts of data generated by all kinds of devices, networks and programs, e.g. sensors, mobile devices, internet, social networks, computer simulations, satellites, radiotelescopes, etc. Storage capacity has doubled every 3 years since 1980 with prices steadily going down (e.g. 1 Gigabyte for: 1M$ in 1982, 1K$ in 1995, 0.12$ in 2011), making it affordable to keep more data. And massive data can produce high-value information and knowledge, which is critical for data analysis, decision support, forecasting, business intelligence, research, (data-intensive) science, etc.
The problem of big data has three main dimensions, quoted as the three big V's:
Volume: refers to massive amounts of data, making it hard to store, manage, and analyze (big analytics);
Velocity: refers to continuous data streams being produced, making it hard to perform online processing and analysis;
Variety: refers to different data formats, different semantics, uncertain data, multiscale data, etc., making it hard to integrate and analyze.
There are also other V's like: validity (is the data correct and accurate?); veracity (are the results meaningful?); volatility (how long do you need to store this data?).
Current big data management (NoSQL) solutions have been designed for the cloud, as cloud and big data are synergistic. They typically trade consistency for scalability, simplicity and flexibility. They use a radically different architecture than RDBMS, by exploiting (rather than embedding) a distributed file system such as Google File System (GFS) or Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), to store and manage data in a highly fault-tolerant manner. They tend to rely on a more specific data model, e.g. key-value store such as Google Bigtable, Hadoop Hbase or Apache CouchDB) with a simple set of operators easy to use from a programming language. For instance, to address the requirements of social network applications, new solutions rely on a graph data model and graph-based operators. User-defined functions also allow for more specific data processing. MapReduce is a good example of generic parallel data processing framework, on top of a distributed file system (GFS or HDFS). It supports a simple data model (sets of (key, value) pairs), which allows user-defined functions (map and reduce). Although quite successful among developers, it is relatively low-level and rigid, leading to custom user code that is hard to maintain and reuse. In Zenith, we exploit or extend MapReduce and NoSQL technologies to fit our needs for scientific workflow management and scalable data analysis.