Section: Research Program
Uncertain Data Management
Data uncertainty is present in many scientific applications. For instance, in the monitoring of plant contamination by INRA teams, sensors generate periodically data which may be uncertain. Instead of ignoring (or correcting) uncertainty, which may generate major errors, we need to manage it rigorously and provide support for querying.
To deal with uncertainty, there are several approaches, e.g. probabilistic, possibilistic, fuzzy logic, etc. The probabilistic approach is often used by scientists to model the behavior of their underlying environments. However, in many scientific applications, data management and uncertain query processing are not integrated, i.e., the queries are usually answered using ad-hoc methods after doing manual or semi-automatic statistical treatment on the data which are retrieved from a database. In Zenith, we aim at integrating scientific data management and query processing within one system. This should allow scientists to issue their queries in a query language without thinking about the probabilistic treatment which should be done in background in order to answer the queries. There are two important issues which any PDBMS should address: 1) how to represent a probabilistic database, i.e., data model; 2) how to answer queries using the chosen representation, i.e., query evaluation.
One of the problems on which we focus is scalable query processing over uncertain data. A naive solution for evaluating probabilistic queries is to enumerate all possible worlds, i.e., all possible instances of the database, execute the query in each world, and return the possible answers together with their cumulative probabilities. However, this solution can not scale up due to the exponential number of possible worlds which a probabilistic database may have. Thus, the problem is quite challenging, particularly due to the exponential number of possibilities that should be considered for evaluating queries. In addition, most of our underlying scientific applications are not centralized; the scientists share part of their data in a P2P manner. This distribution of data makes very complicated the processing of probabilistic queries. To develop efficient query processing techniques for distributed scientific applications, we can take advantage of two main distributed technologies: P2P and Cloud. Our research experience in P2P systems has proved us that we can propose scalable solutions for many data management problems. In addition, we can use the cloud parallel solutions, e.g. MapReduce, to parallelize the task of query processing, when possible, and answer queries of scientists in reasonable execution times. Another challenge for supporting scientific applications is uncertain data integration. In addition to managing the uncertain data for each user, we need to integrate uncertain data from different sources. This requires revisiting traditional data integration in major ways and dealing with the problems of uncertain mediated schema generation and uncertain schema mapping.