Section: New Results
Optimization accounting for experimental and numerical uncertainties
Participants : Régis Duvigneau, Matthieu Sacher [Ecole Navale] , Frédéric Hauville [Ecole Navale] , Olivier Le Maître [CNRS-LIMSI] , Alban Leroyer [CNRS-ECN] , Patrick Queutey [CNRS-ECN] .
Optimization of real-life applications requires to account for the uncertainties arising during the performance evaluation procedure, that could be either experimental or numerical. A Gaussian-Process based optimization algorithm has been proposed to efficiently determine the global optimum in presence of noise, whose amplitude can be user-defined or inferred from observations. The method has been applied to two very different problems related to performance optimization in sport.
The first case corresponds to the optimization of the shape of a racing kayak, in the framework of SOKA project, in preparation to 2016 Olympic Games. The performance is estimated by coupling Newton's law with incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to compute the kayak velocity from the effort of the athlete, considered as input. The proposed method has been used here to filter the noise arising from the numerical simulation [18], [11]. This work is conducted in collaboration with Ecole Centrale de Nantes and National Kayak Federation.
The second case corresponds to the optimization of a sail trimming, whose performance can be estimated either experimentally in a wind tunnel, or numerically by solving a fluid-structure interaction problem. In the former case, uncertainty has been estimated according to measurements accuracy, while in the latter case the numerical noise has be inferred from a set of observations collected during the optimization[12]. This work is part of M. Sacher's PhD at Ecole Navale.