Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees or Reviewer
  • Marie Candito was a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: NAACL 2016, CONLL 2016, RECITAL 2016, COLING 2016

  • Benoît Crabbé was a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: NAACL 2016, ACL 2016, COLING 2016, EMNLP 2016, CONLL 2016.

  • Maximin Coavoux was a sub-reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: ACL 2016, EMNLP 2016.

  • Héctor Martínez Alonso was a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: ACL 2016, COLING 2016, CONLL 2016, EMNLP 2016, EACL 2017, NAACL 2016 , MWE 2016 and WNUT 2016.

  • Laurent Romary was a member of the program committee for the following events: CMLC-4, Digital Humanities and Iconography, The case of alpine mural painting, Datech 2016, CILA 2016, TOTh (Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications), LDL-2016, LG-LP 2016, ISA-12

  • Benoît Sagot was a member of the program committe for the following events: NAACL 2016, EACL 2017, EMNLP 2016, ACL 2016

  • Djamé Seddah was a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: ACL 2016, COLING 2016, EMNLP 2016, CONLL 2016, TLT 2016, LAW 2016, TALN 2016 and others workshops.

  • Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie was a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: COLING'16 (tracks Parsing, and "Resources, Software and Tools"), LREC'16, NAACL'16, DiscoNLP'16, Toth'16


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Laurent Romary is co-editor of the overlay Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities and for the DH Commons journal

  • Laurent Romary is member of the advisory board of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative (jTEI)

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Héctor Martínez Alonso was a reviewer for the Artificial Intelligence journal

  • Laurent Romary was a reviewer for the jTEI journal

  • Benoît Sagot was a reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Language Modelling, Language Resources and Evaluation, Northern European Journal of Language

  • Djamé Seddah was a reviewer for the following journals: Asian Languages and Information Processing, Language Ressources and Evaluation

Invited Talks

  • Marie Candito gave a talk on 24/03/2016 at the "3ème journée TAL et IA ", Paris

  • Marie Candito gave a talk on 27/10/2016 at the DIGICOSME Labex, LIMSI, Orsay

  • Héctor Martínez Alonso gave an invited talk on 05/04/2016 at PARSEME/ENeL workshop on MWE e-lexicons, Skopje (Republic of Macedonia)

  • Héctor Martínez Alonso gave an invited talk on 01/06/2016 at Darmstadt Technical University (Germany).

  • Marie Puren gave an invited talk on 26/10/2016 for theDARIAH's Humanities At Scale Winter School at Charles University in Prague.

  • Marie Puren gave an invited talk on 22/11/2016 during the colloquim "DHNord" at the "Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société" in Lille.

  • Charles Riondet gave an invited talk on 26/10/2016 at the DARIAH's Humanities at Scale Winter School, Charles University, in Prag (Czech Republic)

  • Laurent Romary gave a speech at Ready to Reach Out, Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritage (NL EU presidency) "Data and Dissertations", Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 29/06/2016

  • Laurent Romary gave a keynote at ETD 2016 "Data and Dissertations", Lille, France on 11/07/2016 [50]

  • Laurent Romary gave a keynote at Language Technologies and & Digital Humanities 2016 on 30/09/2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia [51]

  • Benoît Sagot was an invited panelist during the AnaMorphoSys conference on 20-22/06/2016 in Lyon

  • Benoît Sagot gave an invited talk at the EPHE workshop on Digital Humanities on 12/10/2016 in Paris

  • Djamé Seddah gave a keynote talk at the workshop "Data Driven Approach to Networks and Language" (Lyon)

  • Djamé Seddah gave a keynote talk at the workshop "Challenges for Data-driven Natural Language Analysis beyond Standard Data (Lyon)

  • Djamé Seddah gave a invited talk in Dusseldorf (Formal Linguistic Departement) on deep syntax based graph-parsing

  • Djamé Seddah gave a invited talk in Lyon (ENS seminar series) on morpho-syntactic analysis in challenging environments

  • Djamé Seddah gave a invited talk at the 1st NLP Paris Meetup on graph parsing for French

  • Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie gave an invited talk at the meeting on “Information, Médias et Informatique” (IRISA Rennes, 15/03/2016)

  • Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie gave an invited tutorial at the COST Parseme meeting (Dubrovnik, 27/09/2016)

  • Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie gave an invited talk at the AIM-WEST & PARSEME-FR Workshop (IMAG Grenoble, 4/10/2016)

  • Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie gave an invited talk at the NLP meetup (Paris, 23/11/2016)

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Involvement in international initiatives
  • Alpage is involved in the ISO subcommittee TC 37/SC 4 on “Language Resource Management”. Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has participated in various ISO meetings as an expert, in particular on morpho-syntactic annotations (MAF), feature structures (FSR & new FSD), and syntactic annotations (SynAF) [55]. Within the same subcommittee, Laurent Romary is the convenor of the working group on lexical resources (WG4).

  • Laurent Romary is chairman of ISO committee TC 37 “Terminology and other language and content resources”

  • Laurent Romary chairs the Board of Directors of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium DARIAH established by the European Commission to coordinate Digital Humanities infrastructure activities in Europe.

  • Laurent Romary is member of the TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service (TAPAS) project advisory board

  • Laurent Romary is member of the International Advisory board of the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities

Involvement in national initiatives
  • Alpage has many responsabilities wihtin the LabEx EFL. Until February 2015, Benoît Sagot is deputy head of this research strand; Marie Candito is deputy head of the research strand on computational semantics; Benoît Crabbé is deputy head of the research strand on experimental grammar; all three are therefore deputy members of the Scientific and Governing Boards of the LabEx; Laurence Danlos is a member of the Scientific Board of the LabEx EFL, representing Alpage;

  • Laurent Romary is the leader of the scientific committe of the EquipEx Ortolang, of which Benoît Sagot is also a member.

  • Laurent Romary is chairman of the scientific council of ABES (Agence Bibliographique de l’Enseignement Supérieur)

  • Laurent Romary is also member of several scientific committee or advisory board: Labex `Les passes dans le présent' (PasP), OpenAIRE 2020, OpenEdition (UMS Cleo)

  • Laurent Romary is the Inria scientific advisor for Scientific and Technical Information, in charge in particular of the Open Access strategy.

Other activities for the scientific community
  • Laurence Danlos is member of the Permanent Committee of the TALN conference (CPerm) organised by ATALA.

Scientific Expertise

  • Marie Candito was member of the committee for the "prix de thèse ATALA"

  • Benoît Crabbé was reviewer for a ERC starting grant

  • Laurent Romary was project reviewer for Fonds National Suisse, Switzerland

  • Laurent Romary was project reviewer for the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Canada

  • Laurent Romary was project reviewer for LabEx PATRIMA, Switzerland

  • Laurent Romary has advised the European Patent Office for the specification of their model for representing the non patent literature, based on the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) guidelines.

  • Laurent Romary has been a referee for the selection of a professor at the University of Cologne, Germany

  • Laurent Romary has part of the selection committee for a professorship at the Université de Lorraine, France

  • Benoît Sagot was project reviewer for the ANR

  • Benoît Sagot was an elected board member of the French NLP society (ATALA) until July 2016

  • Benoît Sagot was a member of the HCERES evaluation committee for the UMR ATILF (december 2016)

  • Djamé Seddah was a reviewer for the Luxemrbourg research funding agency.

  • Djamé Seddah was an external reviewer for a Machine Learning PhD thesis (University of Barcelona, sup: Xavier Carreras)

  • Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has participated to several AFNOR meetings in relation with ISO TC37SC4 “Language Resource Management”. He was also a member of the French delegation at the annual ISO TC37 meeting (Copenhagen, June 2016)

  • Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie was one of the animators of the working group of the GFII on Knowledge Technologies, and was also involved in the discussions of the GFII about the "regulation of algorithms"

Research Administration

University duties
  • Lucie Barque was until june 2016 deputy director of the Linguistic department at Université Paris Nord

  • Marie Candito is deputy director of the UFR of Linguistics.

  • Maximin Coavoux is a student member of the Administrative board of the UFR of Linguistics of University Paris Diderot.

  • Benoît Crabbé is a member of the Administrative board of the UFR of Linguistics of University Paris Diderot.

  • Laurence Danlos is the chair of the Scientific Committee of the Linguistics UFR of University Paris Diderot.

  • Laurence Danlos is the deputy chair of the Doctoral School for Linguistic Sciences (École Doctorale de Sciences du Langage).