Section: New Results
Numerical modeling and high speed parallel computing: new perspectives for tomographic microwave imaging for brain stroke detection and monitoring
These works deals with microwave tomography for brain stroke imaging using state-of-the-art numerical modeling and massively parallel computing. Iterative microwave tomographic imaging requires the solution of an inverse problem based on a minimization algorithm (e.g. gradient based) with successive solutions of a direct problem such as the accurate modeling of a whole-microwave measurement system. Moreover, a sufficiently high number of unknowns is required to accurately represent the solution. As the system will be used for detecting the brain stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic) as well as for monitoring during the treatment, running times for the reconstructions should be reasonable. The method used is based on high-order finite elements, parallel preconditioners from the Domain Decomposition method and Domain Specific Language with open source FreeFem++ solver. This work, for which we got the Joseph Fourier-Bull prize, is supported by ANR grant MEDIMAX (ANR-13-MONU-0012) and was granted access to the HPC resources of TGCC@CEA under the allocations 2016-067519 and 2016- 067730 made by GENCI.