Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Contract with Total, February 2015 - February 2018, that funds the PhD thesis of Hussam Al Daas on enlarged Krylov subspace methods for oil reservoir and seismic imaging applications. Supervisor L. Grigori.
Contract with IFPen, February 2016 - February 2019, that funds the Phd thesis of Zakariae Jorti on adaptive preconditioners using a posteriori error estimators. Supervisor L. Grigori.
Contract with IFPen, October 2016 - October 2019, that funds the Phd thesis of Julien Coulet on the virtual element method (VEM). Supervisor F. Nataf and V. Girault.
Contract with MentorGraphics, March 2016, that funds the internship of T. Freiman on circuit simulations. Supervisor F. Nataf.