AOSTE - 2016
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



Participants : Carlos Gomez Cardenas, Ameni Khecharem, Emilien Kofman, Robert de Simone.

The ANR HOPE project focused on hierarchical aspects for the high-level modeling and early estimation of power management techniques, with potential synthesis in the end if feasible. Partners were Intel, Synopsys, Magillem, UNS UMR LEAT, and ourselves.

We defined a multi-view, Model-Based design environment named MuVarch, accounting for power-level and performance of embedded hardware architectures, together with representation of abstract applications defining typical use cases fro these platforms.

Started in November 2013, the project reached its completion in February 2016, while Ameni Khecharem PhD defense took place in April 2016 [16].


Participants : Matias Vara Larsen, Julien Deantoni, Frédéric Mallet.

This project was admistratively handled by CNRS for our joint team, on the UMR I3S side. It ended September 2016. Partners were Inria (DiverSE EPC), ENSTA-Bretagne, IRIT, Obeo, Thales TRT and Supelec. The project focused on the executable modeling of heterogeneous systems using Models of Computation and Communication described using meta-languages. Specifically, the operational semantics of languages were equipped with precise timely constraints specified in CCSL. There were many outputs from the project but, from AOSTE perspective, we essentially developped MoCCML, an extension of CCSL with constraint automata (already integrated to TimeSquare) and BCool, a language dedicated to coordination apttern specification, which is described as part of Matias Vara-Larsen PhD thesis[19]. All the development realized in this project will end up as the first official eclipse research consortium.


Participants : Robert de Simone, Amin Oueslati, Emilien Kofman.

This project was started in Oct 2013, and provides PhD funding for Amine Oueslati. Partners are SynergieCAD (coordinator), Avantis, Optis, and the two EPIs Aoste and Nachos. The goal is to study the feasibility of building a low-cost, low-power "supercomputer", reusing ideas from SoC design, but this time with out-of-chip network "on-board", and out-of-the-shelf processor elements organized as an array. The network itself should be time predictable and highly parallel (far more than PCI-e for instance). We started a thorough classification of parallel program types (known as "Dwarfs" in the literature), to provide benchmarks and evaluate the platform design options.

FUI Waruna

Participants : Liliana Cucu, Adriana Gogonel, Walid Talaboulma, Dorin Maxim.

This recent project was started in September 2015. It targets the creation of a framework allowing to connect different existing methods while enriching the description with Waruna results. This framework allows timing analyses for different application domains like avionics, railways, medical, aerospace, automotive, etc.

Investissements d'Avenir


Participants : Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Adriana Gogonel, Walid Talaboulma.

This project is funded by the BGLE Call (Briques Logicielles pour le Logiciel Embarqué) of the national support programme Investissements d'Avenir. Formally started on October 1st, 2012 with the kick-off meeting held on April, 2013 for administrative reasons. Research will target solutions for probabilistic component-based models, and a Ph.D. thesis should start at latest on September 2015. The goal is to unify in a common framework probabilistic scheduling techniques with compositional assume/guarantee contracts that have different levels of criticality.


Participants : Frédéric Mallet, Julien Deantoni, Ales Mishchenko, Robert de Simone, Marie Agnès Peraldi-Frati.

This project is funded by the LEOC Call (Logiciel Embarqué et Objets Connectés) of the national support programme Investissements d'Avenir. It was started in September 2014 , and a kick-of meeting was held on October 9th. Partners are: Thales (several divisions), Airbus, Areva, Altran, All4Tec, Artal, the Eclipse Fondation, Scilab Enterprises, CESAMES, U. Rennes, and Inria. The purpose of the project is to develop and promote an open-source version of the ARCADIA Melody system design environment from Thales, renamed CAPPELLA for that purpose.

Our technical contributions to the project achievement are described in subsection 6.2.


Participants : Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Dumitru Potop-Butucaru, Yves Sorel, Walid Talaboulma.

This project is funded by the LEOC Call (Logiciel Embarqué et Objets Connectés) of the national support programme Investissements d'Avenir. It has started on November 1st, 2014 with the kick-off meeting held on November, 12th 2014. The project cordinator is Kalray, and the objective of the project is to study the relevance of Kalray-style MPPA processor array for real-time computation in the avionic domain (with partners such as Airbus for instance). The post-doc of Mihail Asavoae and the PhD of Walid Talaboulma are funded on this contract.