Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

List of international and industrial partners

  • Collaboration under contract with Thales Alenia Space (Toulouse, Cannes, and Paris), CNES (Toulouse), XLIM (Limoges), University of Bilbao (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain), BESA company (Munich), Flextronics.

  • Regular contacts with research groups at UST (Villeneuve d'Asq), Universities of Bordeaux-I (Talence), Orléans (MAPMO), Aix-Marseille (CMI-LATP), Nice Sophia Antipolis (Lab. JAD), Grenoble (IJF and LJK), Paris 6 (P. et M. Curie, Lab. JLL), Inria Saclay (Lab. Poems), Cerege-CNRS (Aix-en-Provence), CWI (the Netherlands), MIT (Boston, USA), Vanderbilt University (Nashville USA), Steklov Institute (Moscow), Michigan State University (East-Lansing, USA), Texas A&M University (College Station USA), Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy), University of Trieste (Italy), RMC (Kingston, Canada), University of Leeds (UK), of Maastricht (the Netherlands), of Cork (Ireland), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), TU-Wien and Universiät Wien (Austria), TFH-Berlin (Germany), ENIT (Tunis), KTH (Stockholm), University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus), University of Macau (Macau, China), SIAE Microelettronica (Milano).

  • The project is involved in the GDR-project AFHP (CNRS), in the ANR (Astrid program) project COCORAM (with XLIM, Limoges, and DGA), in the ANR (Défis de tous les savoirs program) project MagLune (with Cerege, IPGP, ISTerre, Irphe), in a MIT-France collaborative seed funding, in the Associate Inria Team Impinge (with MIT, Boston), and in a NSF grant (with Vanderbilt University and MIT).