Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Colles: S. Chevillard is giving “Colles” at Centre International de Valbonne (CIV) (2 hours per week).


  • PhD: D. Ponomarev, Some inverse problems with partial data, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, defended on June 14, 2016 (advisors: J. Leblond, L. Baratchart).

  • PhD: M. Caenepeel, The development of models for the design of RF/microwave filters, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), defended on October 19, 2016 (advisors: Y. Rolain, M. Olivi, F. Seyfert).

  • PhD in progress: C. Papageorgakis, Conductivity model estimation, since October 2014 (advisors: J. Leblond, M. Clerc, B. Lanfer).

  • PhD in progress: K. Mavreas, Inverse source problems in planetary sciences: dipole localization in Moon rocks from sparse magnetic data, since October 2015 (advisors: S. Chevillard, J. Leblond).

  • PhD in progress: D. Martinez Martinez, Méthodologie et Outils de Synthèse pour des Fonctions de Filtrage Chargées par des Impédances complexes, since October 2015, advisors: L. Baratchart and F. Seyfert.

  • PhD in progress: G. Bose, Filter Design to Match Antennas, since December 2016, advisors: F. Ferrero and F. Seyfert.

  • PhD in progress: S. Fueyo, Cycles limites et stabilité dans les circuits,since October 2016, advisors: L. Baratchart and J.B. Pomet.


  • L. Baratchart sat on the PhD defense committee of d'Alexey Agaltsov (Ecole Polytechnique, http://www.adum.fr/script/detailSout.pl?mat=65164&site=PSaclay) and on the committee for the defense of Habilitation à diriger des recherches of E. Abakumov (Université Paris-Est, Marne-la-Vallée, http://umr-math.univ-mlv.fr/evenements/soutenances/?type=101).

  • J. Leblond was a member of the “Jury d'admissibilité du concours CR” of the Inria Research Center and of the “Comités de Sélection” for professors at UNSA (Polytech Nice) and at the University Paris-Sud Orsay (March-May 2016). She was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Silviu Ioan Filip, Univ. Lyon, December 2016.

  • F. Seyfert was a member of the PhD jury of Adam Cooman at the ELEC. department of the VUB (Bruxelles, Belgium). The PhD's title is “Distorsion Analysis of Analog Electronic Circtuits Using Modulated Signals”.