Section: New Results
Border Basis for Polynomial System Solving and Optimization
Participant : Bernard Mourrain.
We describe in [15] the software package borderbasix dedicated to the computation of border bases and the solutions of polynomial equations. We present the main ingredients of the border basis algorithm and the other methods implemented in this package: numerical solutions from multiplication matrices, real radical computation, polynomial optimization. The implementation parameterized by the coefficient type and the choice function provides a versatile family of tools for polynomial computation with modular arithmetic, floating point arithmetic or rational arithmetic. It relies on linear algebra solvers for dense and sparse matrices for these various types of coefficients. A connection with SDP solvers has been integrated for the combination of relaxation approaches with border basis computation. Extensive benchmarks on typical polynomial systems are reported, which show the very good performance of the tool.
This is a joint work with M. Abril Bucero and Ph. Trébuchet.