Section: New Results
Shape-optimization of 2D hydrofoils using an Isogeometric BEM solver
Participant : Panagiotis Kaklis.
In [8], an optimization procedure, based on an Isogeometric BEM solver for the potential flow, is developed and used for the shape optimization of hydrofoils. The formulation of the exterior potential-flow problem reduces to a Boundary-Integral Equation (BIE) for the associated velocity potential exploiting the null-pressure jump Kutta condition at the trailing edge. The numerical solution of the BIE is performed by an Isogeometric Boundary-Element Method (BEM) combining a generic B-splines parametric modeler for generating hydrofoil shapes, using a set of eight parameters, the very same basis of the geometric representation for representing the velocity potential and collocation at the Greville abscissas of the knot vector of the hydrofoil's B-splines representation. Furthermore, the optimization environment is developed based on the geometric parametric modeler for the hydrofoil, the Isogeometric BEM solver and an optimizer employing a controlled elitist genetic algorithm. Multi-objective hydrofoil shape optimization examples are demonstrated with respect to the criteria i) maximum lift coefficient and ii) minimum deviation of the hydrofoil area from a reference area.
This is a joint work with K. Kostas (Nazarbayev University), A. Ginnis (National Technical University of Athens ), C. Politis (Technological Educational Institute of Athens).