Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Olivier Ruas, Initiation au Génie Logiciel (GEN), 40, L2, Univ. Rennes I (ISTIC), France

  • Licence : Olivier Ruas, Algorithmique Fonctionnelle (APF), 24, L1, Univ. Rennes I (ISTIC), France

  • Engineering School : Simon Bouget, SYS1 (Introduction aux Systèmes d'exploitation), 6 HEQTD (3x 2 heures de TP), ESIR1 (L3), Univ. Rennes I (ESIR), France

  • Master : Simon Bouget, TLC (Techniques Logicielles pour le Cloud computing), 18 HEQTD (7x 2 heures de TP + 2x 2 heures de TD), M2 Génie Logiciel Alternance, Univ. Rennes I (ISTIC), France

  • Engineering School: Francois Taiani, Synchronization and Parallel Programming, 34h, 2nd year of Engineering School (M1), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Engineering School: Francois Taiani, Distributed Systems, 24h, 3rd year of Engineering School ( M2), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Engineering School: Francois Taiani, Parallel Algorithms for Big Data, 24h, 3rd year of Engineering School (M2), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Engineering School: Francois Taiani, Introduction to Operating Systems, 24h, 1st year of Engineering School (L3), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Master: Francois Taiani, Programming Technologies for the Cloud, 14h, M2, Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Engineering School: David Bromberg, tools and programming languages for the Web, 48h, 2nd year of Engineering School (M1), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Engineering School: David Bromberg, Distributed software architecture, 24h, 2nd year of Engineering School (M1), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Engineering School: David Bromberg, Network security, 48h, 2nd year of Engineering School (M1), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Engineering School: David Bromberg, Cloud for the Internet of Things, 24h, 3rd year of Engineering School (M2), ESIR / Univ. Rennes I, France.

  • Master: Davide Frey, Scalable Distributed Systems, 10 hours, M1, EIT/ICT Labs Master School, Univ. Rennes I, France.


  • PhD: Antoine Rault, User privacy in collaborative filtering systems [13], Univ. Rennes I, Jun 23, 2016, Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Davide Frey.

  • PhD: Fabien Andre, Exploiting Modern Hardware for Large Scale Nearest Neighbor Search  [52], (The thesis was not yet available at HAL at the time when this report was submitted.) Nov 25 2016, Anne-Marie Kermarrec (and Nicolas Le Scouarnec–Technicolor).

  • PhD: Nupur Mittal, Data, Learning & Privacy in Recommendation Systems [11], Nov 25, 2016, George Giakkoupis and Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD: Javier Olivares, Scaling Out-of-Core K-Nearest Neighbors Computation on Single Machines [12], Dec 19 2016, Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD in progress : Pierre-Louis Roman, Epidemic Distributed Convergence for Decentralized Social Networking, Oct 2014, Francois Taiani and Davide Frey.

  • PhD in progress : Stéphane Delbruel, Towards a Decentralized Embryomorphic Storage System, Oct 2013, Francois Taiani and Davide Frey (since Oct 2014).

  • PhD in progress : Resmi Ariyattu Chandrasekharannair, Towards Decentralized Federations for Plug-based Decentralized Social Networks, Dec 2013, Francois Taiani.

  • PhD in progress : Olivier Ruas, Dynamic Learning and Recommendations in Very Large Distributed Computing Infrastructures, Oct 2015, Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Francois Taiani.

  • PhD in progress: Simon Bouget, EMILIO: Emergent Middleware for Extra-Large-Scale Self Adaptation, Sep 2014, Francois Taiani and David Bromberg (since Sep 2015).

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Luxey, Towards New Solutions to Build Large Scale Distributed Applications in the Cloud, Oct 2016, David Bromberg.


  • Francois Taiani was an internal examiner of the PhD of Jackie Bourgeois. Interactive Demand Shifting in the Context of Domestic Micro-Generation. Open University (UK) / Univ. Rennes I, Jun 30 2016.

  • Francois Taiani was the chair of the PhD panel of Anca Iordache. Performance-Cost Trade-Offs in Heterogeneous Clouds. Univ. Rennes I, Sep 9 2016.

  • Francois Taiani was a reviewer of the PhD of Milan Kabac. A Design-Driven Methodology for the Development of Large-Scale Orchestrating Applications. Univ. Bordeaux, rapporteur, Sep 26 2016.

  • Francois Taiani was a reviewer of the PhD of Thomas Hartmann. Enabling Model-Driven Live Analytics For Cyber-Physical Systems: The Case of Smart Grids. Univ. of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Nov 8 2016.

  • Francois Taiani was a reviewer of the PhD of Lucas Perrone. Vers des protocoles de tolérance aux fautes Byzantines efficaces et robustes. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Dec 8 2016.

  • Francois Taiani was the chair a of the PhD panel of Javier Olivares. Scaling out-of-core K-Nearest Neighbors Computation on Single Machines. Univ. Rennes I, Dec 19 2016.

  • Francois Taiani was a reviewer of the HDR of Fabien Huet. From HPC to Big Data : Models and Tools for Large Scale Middleware. Université of Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Feb 12 2016.

  • Francois Taiani was the chair of the HDR panel of Erwan Le Merrer. Structuring Overlays for Distributed Computing: From Edge-Devices to the Clouds. Univ. Rennes I, Nov 23 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis was a member of the PhD committee of Maryam Helmi. The Space Complexity of Distributed Tasks in the Shared Memory Model. University of Calgary, Jun 7 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis was a member of the PhD committee member of Scott Roche. Robust Local Algorithms for Communication and Stability in Distributed Networks. Northeastern University, Nov 14 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis was an external reviewer of the PhD dissertation of Emanuele Natale. On the Computational Power of Simple Dynamics. Sapienza University of Rome, Dec 15 2016.