Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Steering and Organizing Committees
  • A. Lebre took part to the organisation of the Grid'5000 school in Grenoble (70 attendees).

  • A. Lebre took part to the organisation of the workshop “Stockage informatique” during the Journées Scientifiques event in Nantes.

  • J. Noyé was a co-organizer of LaMod '16, a workshop on Language Modularity co-located with Modularity '16 in Málaga, Spain.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • J.-C. Royer was a member of the program committes WETCIE 2016, CAL 2016, ICIS 2016, IWAISE 2016, IIAI 2016.

  • T. Ledoux was member of the program committees of the following workshops: Greens'16@ICSE, ARM'16@Middleware, CrossCloud'16@EuroSys.

  • A. Lebre was a member of the program committees of ACM/IEEE CCGRID 2016, Europar 2016, ACM/IEEE SC 2016, IEEE CloudCom 2016, IEEE SSS 2016, OPTIM 2016.

  • J. Noyé was a member of the program committee of Modularity '16 (Málaga, Spain).


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • A. Lebre is associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Big Data journal.

  • M. Südholt is joint editor-in-chief of the journal Transactions on Modularity and Software Composition (Springer), formerly Transactions on AOSD.

  • M. Südholt is an associate editor of the Journal on Programming, an open access journal.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • A. Lebre has been a reviewer for the IEEE TPDS and IEEE TCC Journals, the IEEE Cloud Computing magazine, and the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

  • T. Ledoux has been a reviewer for the IEEE Communications Letters.

  • J. Noyé has been a reviewer for the Journal of Object Technology and Science of Computer Programming.

Invited Talks

  • A. Lebre and Anthony Simonet have been invited to the 9th edition of the CloudControl Workshop (Sweden).

  • A. Lebre has been invited to the BigStorage Initial Training Schoom (Spain).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • A. Lebre is leading the OpenStack “Massively Distributed Working Group” (further information at: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Massively_Distributed_Clouds).

  • A. Lebre is member of the executive committee of the GDR CNRS RSD (Reseau et Système distribué). He is also co-leading the transversal action Virtualization and Clouds of this GDR.

  • A. Lebre is member of the executive and architect committees of the Grid'5000 GIS (Groupement d'intérêt scientifique).

  • T. Ledoux is member of the board of the Green Lab Center association. This association promotes and disseminates Green IT practices and research prototypes to the world of education, research and companies (Green Lab Center).

  • M. Südholt is a member of the steering committees of the two international conferences on Programming and Modularity.

  • M. Südholt has been a member of the board of the Aspect-Oriented Software Association.

Research Administration

  • Pierre Cointe has been the head of the Lina laboratory that managed research in Computer Science of the main research institutions in Nantes.

  • Jacques Noyé is the deputy head of the Mines Nantes department of Automation, Production and Computer Sciences.