Section: Dissemination

Teaching, supervision, thesis committees


Patrick Héas gives a course on Monte Carlo simulation methods in image analysis at université de Rennes 1, within the SISEA (signal, image, systèmes embarqués, automatique, école doctorale MATISSE) track of the master in electronical engineering and telecommunications.

François Le Gland gives

Valérie Monbet gives several courses on data analysis, on time series, and on mathematical statistics, all at université de Rennes 1 within the master on statistics and econometrics. She is also the director of the master on statistics and econometry at université de Rennes 1.


François Le Gland has been supervising one PhD student

  • Alexandre Lepoutre, title: Tracking and detection in Track–Before–Detect context using particle filtering, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2010, defense held on October 5, 2016, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Olivier Rabaste (ONERA, Palaiseau).

Frédéric Cérou and François Le Gland are jointly supervising one PhD student

  • Ramatoulaye Dabo, provisional title: Rare event simulation in epidemiology, université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor (Senegal) and université de Rennes 1, started in September 2015, expected defense in 2018, co–direction: Alassane Diedhiou (université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor).

François Le Gland and Valérie Monbet are jointly supervising one PhD student

  • Thi Tuyet Trang Chau, provisional title: Non parametric filtering for Metocean multi–source data fusion, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2015, expected defense in October 2018, funding: Labex Lebesgue grant and Brittany council grant, co–direction: Pierre Ailliot (université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest).

François Le Gland is supervising two other PhD students

  • Kersane Zoubert–Ousseni, provisional title: Particle filters for hybrid indoor navigation with smartphones, université de Rennes 1, started in December 2014, expected defense in 2017, funding: CEA grant, co–direction: Christophe Villien (CEA LETI, Grenoble),

  • Audrey Cuillery, provisional title: Bayesian tracking from raw data, université du Sud Toulon Var, started in April 2016, expected defense in 2019, funding: CIFRE grant with DCNS, co–direction: Claude Jauffret (université du Sud Toulon Var) and Dann Laneuville (DCNS, Nantes).

Valérie Monbet is supervising two other PhD students

  • Audrey Poterie, provisional title: Régression d'une variable ordinale par des données longitudinales de grande dimension : application à la modélisation des effets secondaires suite à un traitement par radiothérapie, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2015, expected defense in 2018, funding: INSA grant, co–direction: Jean–François Dupuy (INSA Rennes) and Laurent Rouvière (université de Haute Bretagne, Rennes).

  • Marie Morvan, provisional title: Modèles de régression pour données fonctionnelles. Application à la modélisation de données de spectrométrie dans le proche infra rouge, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2016, expected defense in 2019, funding: MESR grant, co–direction: Joyce Giacofci (université de Haute Bretagne, Rennes) and Olivier Sire (université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes).

Mathias Rousset is supervising one PhD student

  • Yushun Xu, provisional title: Variance reduction of overdamped Langevin dynamics simulation, université Paris-Est, started in October 2015, expected defense in 2018, co–direction: Pierre-André Zitt (université Paris–Est).

Thesis committees

François Le Gland has been a reviewer for the PhD theses of Tepmony Sim (Télécom ParisTech, advisors: Randal Douc and François Roueff) and Clément Walter (université Denis Diderot, Paris, advisor: Josselin Garnier).

Valérie Monbet has been a member of the committee for the HDR of Mathieu Emily (université de Haute Bretagne, Rennes).

Mathias Rousset has been a member of the committee for the PhD thesis of Zofia Trstanova (Inria Grenoble, EPI NANO-D, advisor: Stéphane Redon).