Creation of the Team: 2012 February 01, updated into Project-Team: 2014 July 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Christian Perez [Team leader, Inria, Senior Researcher, HDR]

Marcos Dias de Assunção [Inria, Starting Research position]

Gilles Fedak [Inria, Researcher, HDR]

Thierry Gautier [Inria, Researcher]

Laurent Lefevre [Inria, Researcher, HDR]

Frédéric Suter [CNRS, Researcher, HDR]

Faculty Members

Eddy Caron [ENS Lyon, Associate Professor, HDR]

Yves Caniou [Univ. Lyon I, Associate Professor]

Jean-Patrick Gelas [Univ. Lyon I, Associate Professor]

Olivier Glück [Univ. Lyon I, Associate Professor]


Jean-Christophe Mignot [CNRS, Engineer Researcher]

Simon Delamare [CNRS, Engineer Researcher]

Matthieu Imbert [Inria, Engineer (40%)]

Mathilde Boutigny [Inria, since Oct 2016]

Romaric Guillier [CNRS, until Jun 2016]

Salem Harrache [Inria, until Feb 2016]

Arnaud Lefray [Inria]

Olivier Mornard [Inria, until Jul 2016]

Marc Pinhede [Inria, until Apr 2016]

Mathieu Veyrand [Inria, since Nov 2016]

PhD Students

Daniel Balouek-Thomert [New Generation SR]

Radu Carpa [ENS Lyon]

Hadrien Croubois [ENS Lyon]

Alexandre Da Silva Veith [Univ. Lyon, since Oct 2016]

Jad Darrous [Inria, since Oct 2016]

Pedro de Souza Bento Da Silva [Inria]

Vincent Lanore [ENS Lyon, until Aug 2016]

Valentin Lorentz [ENS Lyon]

Issam Rais [Inria]

Jérôme Richard [Inria]

Violaine Villebonnet [Inria]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Hélène Coullon [Inria, until Sep 2016]

Administrative Assistant

Evelyne Blesle [Inria]


David Loup [INSA Lyon / Inria part-time apprentice]

Thomas Pellissier-Tanon [ENS Lyon, Long scholarship since Sep 2016]