Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Grants with Industry
We have a collaboration with the company NewGeneration-SR ( The aim of this company is to reduce the energy impact through solutions at each layer of the energy consumption (from datacenter design and the production to usage). NewGeneration-SR improves the life cycle (design, production, recycling) in order to reduce the environmental impact of it. NewGeneration-SR was member of the Nu@ge consortium: one of five national Cloud Computing projects with “emprunts d’avenir” funding. With a CIFRE PhD student (Daniel Balouek-Thomert), we are developing models to reduce the energy consumption for the benefit of data-center.
We also have a collaboration with IFPEN ( IFPEN develops numerical codes to solve PDE with specific adaption of the preconditioning step to fit the requirement of their problems. With a PhD student (Adrien Roussel) we are studying the parallel implementation of multi-level decomposition domains on many-core architecture and GPGPU.