Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

  • BIGS team has organised a two-days workshop "Rencontres des équipes Inria travaillant sur le cancer" in Paris. 10 inria teams were present. https://team.inria.fr/bigs/workshopcancer/

  • A. Gégout-Petit co-organised the "Health Session" of the day Fédération Charles Hermite- Enterprises, Nancy, January 2016.

  • Céline Lacaux participated to the organisation of the following events:

    • European Study Group with Industry, 117th edition, May 2016, Avignon.

    • Session Statistics of the 14th Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées, August 2016, Iasi.

    • Conference of GDR 3475 Analyse Multifractale, September 2016, Avignon.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • A. Gégout-Petit is chair of 2017 "Congrès Francophone International de l'Enseignement de la Statistique" (CFIES), Grenoble, September, 2017.


Member of the Editorial Boards

P. Vallois is in the editorial board of "Risk and Decision Analysis".

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

All the BIGS members are regular reviewers for journals in probability, statistics and machine learning as: Bernoulli, Scandinavian Journal of statistics, Stochastics, Journal of Statistical Planning Inference, Journal of theoretical Biology, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, Royal Society of Chemistry, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Mathematical Biosciences, LIDA, Annals of Applied Probability, Annals of Operations Research and Journal of Machine Learning Research, as well as conferences such as ICML, World IFAC Congress, FOSBE, ALCOSP...

Invited Talks

  • Anne Gégout-Petit was invited in SADA'2016 conference in Cotonou. [20]

  • Bruno Scherrer was an invited speaker in EWRL'2016 workshop in Barcelona.

  • Thierry Bastogne was invited the 19 October 2015 by Pr. Luc Leyns at the Vrije Universities Brussels for a talk on the Statistical Analysis of Cell Impedance Signals for the Characterization of Anti-Cancer Drug Effects.

  • Romain Azaïs was an invited speaker in SSIAB 2016 in Rennes.

  • S. Ferrigno : Nouvelles approches d'estimation de la croissance en Foetopathologie. Journée "Nouvelle approche de la croissance foetale", Maternité Régionale du CHRU de Nancy (Sept 2016).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Anne Gégout-Petit is member of the board of the European Regional Council of the Bernoulli society

  • Céline Lacaux is responsible of the Statistic team, Laboratory of Mathematic of Avignon (since September 2016)

Scientific Expertise

  • T. Bastogne: scientific expert in Biostatistics and Signal Processing in Nanomedicine for CYBERnano (start-up).

Research Administration

  • A. Gégout-Petit: elected member of the laboratory of mathematics "Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine".

  • Céline Lacaux is

    • member of the bord of the SMAI-MAS group,

    • elected member of the council of the Laboratory Mathematics of Avignon,

    • correspondant AMIES pour Avignon,

    • Member of the scientific committee of GDR 3477 Stochastic Geometry.