Section: New Results
Numerical analysis of multibody mechanical systems with constraints
This scientific theme concerns the numerical analysis of mechanical systems with bilateral and unilateral constraints, with or without friction [2]. They form a particular class of dynamical systems whose simulation requires the development of specific simulators.
Numerical time–integration methods for event-detecting schemes.
Participants : Vincent Acary, Bernard Brogliato, Mounia Haddouni.
The CIFRE thesis of M. Haddouni concerns the numerical simulation of mechanical systems subject to holonomic bilateral constraints, unilateral constraints and impacts. This work is performed in collaboration with ANSYS and the main goal is to improve the numerical time–integration in the framework of event-detecting schemes. Between nonsmooth events, time integration amounts to numerically solving a differential algebraic equations (DAE) of index 3. We have compared dedicated solvers (Explicit RK schemes, Half-explicit schemes, generalizes -schemes) that solve reduced index formulations of these systems. Since the drift of the constraints is crucial for the robustness of the simulation through the evaluation of the index sets of active contacts, we have proposed some recommendations on the use of the solvers of dedicated to index-2 DAE. A manuscript has been submitted to Multibody System Dynamics.
Multibody systems with clearances (dynamic backlash)
Participants : Vincent Acary, Bernard Brogliato, Narendra Akadkhar.
The PhD thesis of N. Akadkhar under contract with Schneider Electric concerns the numerical simulation of mechanical systems with unilateral constraints and friction, where the presence of clearances in imperfect joints plays a crucial role. A first work deals with four-bar planar mechanisms with clearances at the joints, which induce unilateral constraints and impacts, rendering the dynamics nonsmooth. The objective is to determine sets of parameters (clearance value, restitution coefficients, friction coefficients) such that the system's trajectories stay in a neighborhood of the ideal mechanism (i.e. without clearance) trajectories. The analysis is based on numerical simulations obtained with the projected Moreau-Jean time-stepping scheme. These results have been reported in [21]. It is planned to extend these simulations to frictional cases and to mechanisms of circuit breakers.