Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Prof. Sergio Elaskar (Conicet and University National of Cordoba, Argentina) visited LMAP-Cagire for a 3-week stay from October 17 to November 5, 2016. Common subjects of interest were identified regarding intermittency, unsteady boundary conditions for low Mach flow and future use of AeroSol.

  • Alireza Mazaheri (Nasa, Langley, USA) Hyperbolic discretization of nonlinear diffusive terms for Navier Stokes equations.

  • Nicolas Hernandez from Technical University S. Maria (Chile). The objective of the stay was to compare velocity measured by LDV and PIV. When applied to MAVERIC, the results of this analysis show that to improve the coherence between LDV and PIV, an increase in the pixel size of the PIV image of particles should be sought.

  • Saad Jameel from the International Master Program Turbulence of the Ecole Centrale de Lille/University of Poitiers. This internship, in the framework of the just-started collaboration with PSA, aimed at evaluating and overcoming the limitations of eddy-viscosity models for turbulent flows in mixed/natural convection regimes representative of the flow in under-hood space of automobiles in some particular, critical situations.