Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Member [RM] of the steering committee of the Special Interest Group “Turbulence Modelling” (SIG-15) of ERCOFTAC (European Research COmmittee for Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) that organizes a series of international workshops dedicated to cross-comparisons of the results of turbulence models and experimental/DNS databases.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
This year, the team members have reviewed (6) contributions to the following conferences:
6th Int. Symp. Hybrid RANS-LES models, 2016 (Strasbourg, France) (2) [RM]
36th IAHR World Congress, 2016 (The Hague, the Netherlands) (2) [RM]
Member of the Editorial Boards
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering: co-guest editor of the special issue "The Use of Multiperforated Liners in Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Combustion Systems" ( ...[PB]
Advisory Board of International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow [RM]
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
During 2016, the team members reviewed (22) papers for the following journals:
Invited Talks
Manceau, R., Progress in Hybrid Temporal LES (plenary lecture), Proc. 6th Symp. Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, Strasbourg, France, 2016
Research Administration
Co-responsible for the organisation of the LMAP seminar ( [JJ]