Section: New Results
Atrial fibrillation due to complex geometry
Atrial fibrillation (AF), a situation in which the electrical activation of the atria proceeds chaotically, is believed to be due to abnormal tissue structure (for example fibrosis), which slows propagation, and abnormalities in ionic currents, which make the action potential shorter. In collaboration with the Center for Computational Medicine in Cardiology in Lugano, Switzerland, we performed series of simulations in which we tried to reproduce these effects [20]. Rapid stimulation of the atria caused AF in some of the simulations, with a likelihood related to the severity of fibrosis. However, we also observed a 30 % likelihood of AF initiation in a model with no fibrosis at all. In these cases, the complex structure of our highly realistic models alone in combination with the rapid-pacing protocol sufficed to create situations of conditional propagation block, which led to a reentrant arrhythmia. These results may shed a new light on the course of new-onset AF. A manuscript on this topic is under preparation.