Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Improving the information that we can extract from electrical signals measured on patients with heart diseases is a major priority for the IHU LIRYC. We would like to non-invasively construct the electrical potential on the heart surface only from measurements of the potential on the the chest of the patient. It is known that algorithms that have been used in the literature for solving this electrocardiography imaging (ECGI) problem, including those used in commercial medical devices, have several limitations. This problem could be mathematically seen as a boundary data completion problem for elliptic equations. Many studies have been carried out in order to solve this Cauchy problem, but have never been used for solving the ECGI problem. The goal of this Inria International Lab (IIL) is to develop an experimental platform allowing to test various methods and compare their performance on real life experimental data.
We describe here two projects that have been performed in the context of this IIL.
Mathematical analysis of the parameter estimation problem
N. Zemzemi, J. Lassoued, and M. Mahjoub worked on the mathematical analysis of a parameter identification problem in cardiac electrophysiology modeling. The work was based on a monodomain reaction-diffusion model of the heart. The purpose was to prove the stability of the identification of the parameter , which is the parameter that multiplies the cubic term in the reaction term. The proof of the result is based on a new Carleman-type estimate for both the PDE and ODE problems. As a consequence of the stability result they proved the uniqueness of the parameter giving some observations of both state variables at a given time in the whole domain and the PDE variable in a non empty open subset of the domain.
Uncertainty quantification in the electrocardiography problem
N. Zemzemi worked with N. Fikal, R. Aboulaich and EL.M. El Guarmah on uncertainty quantification in electrocardiography imaging. The purpose of this work was to study the influence of errors and uncertainties of the imput data, like the conductivity, on the electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) solution. They propose a new stochastic optimal control formulation to calculate the distribution of the electric potentiel on the heart from the measurement on the body surface. The discretization was done using a stochastic Galerkin method allowing to separate random and deterministic variables. The problem was discretized, in spatial part, using the finite element method and the polynomial chaos expansion in the stochastic part of the problem. The problem was solved using a conjugate gradient method where the gradient of the cost function was computed with an adjoint technique. The efficiency of this approach to solve the inverse problem and the usability to quantify the effect of conductivity uncertainties in the torso were demonstrated through numerical simulations on a 2D analytical geometry and on a 2D cross section of a real torso.
Informal International Partners
M. Potse works with the group of Prof. U. Schotten at Maastricht University (The Netherlands) and the Center for Computational Medicine in Cardiology at the Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) on simulation studies of atrial fibrillation [20]. The Maastricht group was partially funded by the FP7 project EUTRAF and our simulations were supported by GENCI (section 8.2.5).