Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Participation in Other International Programs
An Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) PHC Imhotep from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the support of the French Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Higher Education and Research holds between members of EPC CARTE and Alexandria E-Just University.
Foundations of Quantum Computation: Syntax and Semantics (FoQCoSS), Regional Program STIC-AmSud. This 2-year project has been accepted in late 2015. The Argentinian-Brazilian-French consortium consists of: Pablo ARRIGHI (Université Aix-Marseille, France), Alejandro DIAZ-CARO (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina), Gilles DOWEK (Inria, France), Juliana KAIZER VIZZOTTO (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil), Simon PERDRIX (CNRS/CARTE, France) and Benoît VALIRON (CentraleSupélec – LRI, France). The ultimate goal of this project is to study the foundations of quantum programming languages and related formalisms. With this goal in mind, we will need to study topics such as parallelism, probabilistic systems, isomorphisms, etc., which constitute subjects of study by themselves. The interest goes beyond having a working programming language for quantum computing; we are interested, on one hand, in its individual characteristics and its consequences for classical systems, and, on the other hand, in its implications for the foundations of quantum physics.