Section: Research Program
Computer Virology
From a historical point of view, the first official virus appeared in 1983 on Vax-PDP 11. At the same time, a series of papers was published which always remains a reference in computer virology: Thompson [71], Cohen [42] and Adleman [29]. The literature which explains and discusses practical issues is quite extensive [46], [48]. However, there are only a few theoretical/scientific studies, which attempt to give a model of computer viruses.
A virus is essentially a self-replicating program inside an adversary environment. Self-replication has a solid background based on works on fixed point in -calculus and on studies of von Neumann [76]. More precisely we establish in [38] that Kleene's second recursion theorem [60] is the cornerstone from which viruses and infection scenarios can be defined and classified. The bottom line of a virus behavior is
The above scientific foundation justifies our position to use the word virus as a generic word for self-replicating malwares. There is yet a difference. A malware has a payload, and virus may not have one. For example, a worm is an autonomous self-replicating malware and so falls into our definition. In fact, the current malware taxonomy (virus, worms, trojans, ...) is unclear and subject to debate.