Section: Dissemination


Vivien Mallet and Raphaël Ventura, together with Cong Kinh Nguyen (MiMove), Pierre-Guillaume Raverdy (SED), Fadwa Rebhi (MiMove), Fabienne Giboudeaux (Paris city), Awa Ndiaye (Paris city), Gilles Plattner (Particitae) and Laure Turcati (Particitae), took part to collaborative measuring of noise pollution with volunteers from the general public. Using the mobile application Ambiciti, the volunteers carried out a journey in a city district in order to measure noise pollution with their smartphones, and therefore help to map noise pollution in the area. At the end of the journeys, the observations were merged with an existing noise map so as to produce an improved map. Discussion about the strengths and limitations of mobile observation were engaged, and the activity helped to inform about noise pollution. This was carried out in Paris at the opening of the “Canopée des Halles”, at Futur en Seine festival and during the “journée sans voiture”.