Publications of the year
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
1L. André.
Intention Preservation and Consistency Maintenance for Real-Time Replicated Data, Université de Lorraine (Nancy), May 2016. -
2A. Bouchami.
Security of collaborative resources in enterprises social networks, Université de lorraine, September 2016.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
3N. Boudjlida, B. Gasmi Boumezoued.
Conceptual Graphs for Fomally Managing and Discovering Complementary Competences, in: Springer LNAI, 2016. -
4Q.-V. Dang, C.-L. Ignat.
Quality Assessment of Wikipedia Articles: A Deep Learning Approach, in: ACM SIGWEB Newsletter (ACM Digital Library), November 2016. [ DOI : 10.1145/2996442.2996447 ] -
5C.-L. Ignat, L. André, G. Oster.
Enhancing rich content wikis with real-time collaboration, in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016.
Invited Conferences
6F. Charoy.
Keynote : From group collaboration to large scale social collaboration, in: 25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2016), Paris, France, June 2016.
International Conferences with Proceedings
7K. Bessai, F. Charoy.
Business process tasks-assignment and resourceallocation in Crowdsourcing context, in: IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, Pittsburgh, United States, November 2016. -
8K. Bessai, F. Charoy.
Optimization of Orchestration of Geocrowdsourcing Activities, in: Third International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries (ISCRAM-med 2016), Madrid, Spain, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, October 2016. -
9L. Briot, P. Urso, M. Shapiro.
High Responsiveness for Group Editing CRDTs, in: ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, Sanibel Island, FL, United States, November 2016. [ DOI : 10.1145/2957276.2957300 ] -
10Q.-V. Dang, C.-L. Ignat.
Computational Trust Model for Repeated Trust Games, in: The 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-16), Tianjin, China, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, August 2016. -
11Q.-V. Dang, C.-L. Ignat.
Measuring Quality of Collaboratively Edited Documents: the case of Wikipedia, in: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC-16), Pittsburgh, United States, November 2016. -
12Q.-V. Dang, C.-L. Ignat.
Performance of real-time collaborative editors at large scale: User perspective, in: Internet of People Workshop, 2016 IFIP Networking Conference, Vienna, Austria, Proceedings of 2016 IFIP Networking Conference, Networking 2016 and Workshops, May 2016, pp. 548-553. [ DOI : 10.1109/IFIPNetworking.2016.7497258 ] -
13Q.-V. Dang, C.-L. Ignat.
Quality Assessment of Wikipedia Articles without Feature Engineering, in: Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Newark, United States, ACM, June 2016, pp. 27-30. [ DOI : 10.1145/2910896.2910917 ] -
14M. Gautier, B. Wrobel-Dautcourt.
artEoz ‐ dynamic program visualization, in: International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2016, Munster, Germany, October 2016, 2 p. -
15A. A. Nacer, E. Goettelmann, S. Youcef, A. Tari, C. Godart.
Obfuscating a Business Process by Splitting Its Logic with Fake Fragments for Securing a Multi-cloud Deployment, in: IEEE Congress On Services, SanFrancisco, United States, Services (SERVICES), 2016 IEEE World Congress on, June 2016, pp. 18 - 25. [ DOI : 10.1109/SERVICES.2016.9 ] -
16G. Rosinosky, S. Youcef, F. Charoy.
An Efficient Approach for Multi-tenant Elastic Business Processes Management in Cloud Computing environment, in: 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing - IEEE Cloud 2016, San Francisco, United States, June 2016.
Conferences without Proceedings
17G. Rosinosky, S. Youcef, F. Charoy.
A Framework for BPMS Performance and Cost Evaluation on the Cloud, in: Workshop "Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the Cloud", Luxembourg, Luxembourg, IEEE CloudCom, December 2016.
Internal Reports
18J. Martori, P. Urso.
Reliable causal delivery with probabilistic design, Inria Nancy, November 2016, no RR-8985.
Other Publications
19G. Rosinosky, S. Youcef, F. Charoy.
An Efficient Approach for Multi-tenant Elastic Business Processes Management in Cloud Computing environment, February 2016, working paper or preprint.
20L. André, S. Martin, G. Oster, C.-L. Ignat.
Supporting Adaptable Granularity of Changes for Massive-scale Collaborative Editing, in: CollaborateCom - 9th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing - 2013, Austin, United States, October 2013. -
21S. Bhiri, W. Gaaloul, C. Godart.
Mining and Improving Composite Web Services Recovery Mechanisms, in: International Journal of Web Services Research, 03 2008, vol. 3. -
22S. Bhiri, O. Perrin, W. Gaaloul, C. Godart.
An Object-Oriented Metamodel For Inter-Enterprises Cooperative Processes Based on Web Services, in: Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 2004, vol. 8, pp. 37–55. -
23F. Casati.
Promises and Failures of Research in Dynamic Service Composition, in: Seminal Contributions to Information Systems Engineering, J. Bubenko, J. Krogstie, O. Pastor, B. Pernici, C. Rolland, A. Sølvberg (editors), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 235-239. -
24C. A. Ellis, S. J. Gibbs.
Concurrency Control in Groupware Systems, in: Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference on the Management of Data - SIGMOD 89, Portland, Oregon, USA, May 1989, pp. 399–407. -
25G. Oster, P. Urso, P. Molli, A. Imine.
Data Consistency for P2P Collaborative Editing, in: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW 2006, Banff, Alberta, Canada, ACM Press, 11 2006, pp. 259 - 268. -
26M. P. Papazoglou, P. Traverso, S. Dustdar, F. Leymann.
Service-Oriented Computing: State of the Art and Research Challenges, in: Computer, 2007, vol. 40, pp. 38-45. -
27N. Preguiça, J. M. Marquès, M. Shapiro, M. Letia.
A commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing, in: 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2009), Montreal, Québec Canada, IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp. 395-403. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICDCS.2009.20 ] -
28Y. Saito, M. Shapiro.
Optimistic Replication, in: Computing Surveys, March 2005, vol. 37, no 1, pp. 42–81. -
29S. Schulte, C. Janiesch, S. Venugopal, I. Weber, P. Hoenisch.
Elastic Business Process Management: State of the art and open challenges for BPM in the cloud, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, 2015, vol. 46, pp. 36 - 50. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.future.2014.09.005 ] -
30C. Sun, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, D. Chen.
Achieving Convergence, Causality Preservation, and Intention Preservation in Real-Time Cooperative Editing Systems, in: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, March 1998, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 63–108. -
31H. T. T. Truong.
A Contract-based and Trust-aware Collaboration Model, Université de Lorraine, December 2012. -
32S. Weiss, P. Urso, P. Molli.
Logoot: A Scalable Optimistic Replication Algorithm for Collaborative Editing on P2P Networks, in: 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - ICDCS 2009, Montreal, Canada, IEEE, June 2009, pp. 404-412. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICDCS.2009.75 ]