Section: New Results
Attitude dynamics, control and observation
Participants : Frederic Mazenc, Maruthi Akella [Univ of Texas] , Sunpil Yang [Univ of Texas] .
In [27], we addressed the rigid-body attitude tracking problem in the absence of angular velocity measurements. To achieve proportional-derivative feedback control, an angular velocity observer with global exponential convergence was designed based on the Immersion and Invariance (I&I) method. A dynamic scaling factor was introduced to circumvent the integrability condition typically arising in I&I design. Unlike the existing I&I observer for this problem, the estimated angular velocity is defined using a rotation matrix of the current quaternion state to avoid use of an additional filter for the angular velocity estimate. As a result, stability analysis became less complex and the observer structure was further simplified by efficient handling of the Coriolis effect in the observer error dynamics. In the case where proportional-derivative control is combined with the observer, asymptotic convergence of tracking errors was proved while establishing a separation property. Numerical simulations were provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed observer and the output feedback controller.