Section: New Results
Hierarchical Control of a Wind Farm for Wake Interaction Minimization
Participants : Guillaume Sandou, Nicolo Gionfra [CentraleSupélec] , Houria Siguerdidjane [CentraleSupélec] , Damien Faille [EDF] , Philippe Loevenbruck [CentraleSupélec] .
The problem of controlling a wind farm for power optimization by minimizing the wake interaction among wind turbines is addressed. We aim to evaluate the real gain in farm power production when the dynamics of the controlled turbines are taken into account. The proposed local control enables the turbines to track the required power references in the whole operating envelope, and under the major uncertainties of the system. Simulations are carried out based on a wind farm of 600 kW turbines and they show the actual benefit of considering the wake effect in the optimization algorithm [54].