Section: New Results
Mathematical Modelling of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Participants : Catherine Bonnet, Jean Clairambault [MAMBA project-team] , François Delhommeau [INSERM Paris (Team18 of UMR 872) Cordeliers Research Centre and St. Antoine Hospital, Paris] , Walid Djema, Emilia Fridman [Tel-Aviv University] , Pierre Hirsch [INSERM Paris (Team18 of UMR 872) Cordeliers Research Centre and St. Antoine Hospital, Paris] , Frédéric Mazenc.
ALMA project focuses on analysis of healthy and unhealthy blood cell production. Dynamics of cell populations are modeled and mathematically analyzed in order to explain why some pathological disorders may occur. The challenging problem that we are facing is to steadily extend both modelling and analysis aspects to constantly better represent this complex physiological mechanism, which is not yet fully understood. This year, we have progressed on this line [35] and particular emphasis has been placed on a new generation of differential systems, coupled to algebraic equations, modeling abnormal proliferation as observed in acute myeloid leukemia [65]. We have developed, in [34], Lyapunov-like techniques in order to derive global or local exponential stability conditions for that class of differential-difference hematopoietic models. A new model describing the coexistence between ordinary and mutated hematopoietic stem cells was introduced and analyzed in [33]. Above all, this was about giving theoretical conditions to guarantee the survival of healthy cells while eradicating unhealthy ones. Interpretation of mathematical results leads us to provide possibly innovative therapies by combining drugs infusions. By continuing on the path of models coupling healthy and malignant cells, we proposed a framework to investigate the phenomena of tumour dormancy, which goes beyond leukemias, to cover all types of cancer. Finally, in a recent study, we highlighted the role played by growth factors -hormone-like molecules- on the regulation of various biological features involved in hematopoietic mechanisms; that we interpret in the framework of switching systems with distributed delays.