Section: New Results
Design and study of a new model describing the effect of radiotherapy on healthy cells
This new project started in January 2016 between a start up Neolys Diagnostics, an Inserm team from Lyon and some members of the Dracula team (Léon Matar Tine and Laurent Pujo-Menjouet) (see [11]). We recruited a student to start a PhD (Aurélien Canet) paid for one half by Neolys and the other half by the labex Milyon. The objective of this collaboration is to use deterministic models (as a first step) to describe the dynamics of ATM proteins in the cytoplasm moving to the nucleus. Once there, they recognize and repair damaged DNA (due to nuclear radiations) and to give solid mechanistic explanations of the phenomenological linear quadratic model used until now by biologists and clinicians. Next step is then to use data provided by the Inserm team to calibrate our model and use it for clinical tests by Neolys (to detect radiosensitive persons (3 different groups) and prevent individual from creating cancer induced by nuclear radiations).