New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

Anomalous diffusion as an age-structured renewal process

Continuous-time random walks (CTRW) are one of the main mechanisms that are recurrently evoked to explain the emergence of subdiffusion in cells. CTRW were introduced fifty years ago as a generalisation of random walks, where the residence time (the time between two consecutive jumps) is a random variable. If the expectation of the residence time is defined, for instance when it is dirac-distributed or decays exponentially fast, one recovers “normal” Brownian motion. However, when the residence time expectation diverges, the CTRW describes a subdiffusive behavior. The classical approach to CTRW yields a non-Markovian (mean-field) transport equation, which is a serious obstacle when one wants to couple subdiffusion with (bio)chemical reaction. In [8], we took an alternative approach to CTRW that maintains the Markovian property of the transport equation at the price of a supplementary independent variable. We associate each random walker with an age a, that is the time elapsed since its last jump and describe the subdiffusive CTRW using an age-structured partial differential equations with age renewal upon each walker jump. In the spatially-homogeneous (zero-dimensional) case, we follow the evolution in time of the age distribution. An approach inspired by relative entropy techniques allows us to obtain quantitative explicit rates for the convergence of the age distribution to a self-similar profile, which corresponds to convergence to a stationary profile for the rescaled variables. An important difficulty arises from the fact that the equation in self-similar variables is not autonomous and we do not have a specific analytical solution. Therefore, in order to quantify the latter convergence, we estimate attraction to a time-dependent “pseudo-equilibrium”, which in turn converges to the stationary profile.