Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
J. Erhel organizes with J-R. de Dreuzy and T. Le Borgne the international conference CWMR (Saint-Malo, France, June 2018).
Member of the Organizing Committees
Etienne Mémin
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Jocelyne Erhel
international advisory committee of the parallel CFD conferences (Kobe, Japan, May 2016).
program committee of the international conference CARI 2016.
program committee of the workshop Visualization in Environmental Sciences 2016 (co-event of EuroVis)
Member of the Editorial Boards
Jocelyne Erhel
Etienne Mémin
Associate editor for the Int. Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
Associate editor for the Image and Vision Computing Journal (IVC)
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Jocelyne Erhel: Reviewer for the journals ADWR, ARIMA, JCAM, MATCOM
Dominique Heitz: Reviewer for Exp. in Fluids, ASME J. on Heat Transfer
Cédric Herzet: Reviewer for IEEE Tr. on Signal Processing, IEEE Tr. on Information Theory
Etienne Mémin: Reviewer for Tellus-A, IEEE Im. Proc., IEEE trans. Pat. Anal. Mach. Intel. , Im. Vis. Comp., Exp. in Fluids, Nonlinear Proc. in Geophysics., Journ. of Comp. Phys, Fluid Dynamics Research.
Invited Talks
Dominique Heitz
Next generation transport aircraft workshop, Honolulu, Hawai, 22-25, February, 2016.
Cap Aliment training "Les technologies douces de conservation des denrées alimentaires", Nantes, 13, October, 2016. Assisses du Génie des Procédés, région OUEST - Nantes, 9, november, 2016
Cédric Herzet
Roger Lewandowski
Special Session on Above and Beyond Fluid Flow studies: In celebration of the 60th birthday of Prof. William Layton » within the Fall Western Sectional Meeting of the AMS, University of Denver, Denver, CO October 8-9, 2016.
Etienne Mémin
E. Mémin. Représentation sous incertitude d'écoulements géophysiques, Huitième Ecole Interdisciplinaire de Rennes sur les Systèmes Complexes, Oct. 2016.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
J. Erhel is scientific coordinator of the website Interstices (since June 2012).
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
Jocelyne Erhel
correspondent of AMIES for Inria Rennes, from September 2015.
member of the Inria national committee for secondment, 2016.
member of the Inria local committee for health and safety (référent chercheur) from January 2016.
member of the Inria administrative commission (CAP) for researchers, from January 2016.
Dominique Heitz
Etienne Mémin