Section: New Results

New results: switched systems

  • In [8] we address the exponential stability of a system of transport equations with intermittent damping on a network of N2 circles intersecting at a single point O. The N equations are coupled through a linear mixing of their values at O, described by a matrix M. The activity of the intermittent damping is determined by persistently exciting signals, all belonging to a fixed class. The main result is that, under suitable hypotheses on M and on the rationality of the ratios between the lengths of the circles, such a system is exponentially stable, uniformly with respect to the persistently exciting signals. The proof relies on a representation formula for the solutions of this system, which allows one to track down the effects of the intermittent damping. A similar representation formula is used in [18] to study the relative controllability of linear difference equations with multiple delays in the state. Thanks to such formula, we characterize relative controllability in time T in terms of an algebraic property of the matrix-valued coefficients, which reduces to the usual Kalman controllability criterion in the case of a single delay. Relative controllability is studied for solutions in the set of all functions and in the function spaces Lp and Ck. We also compare the relative controllability of the system for different delays in terms of their rational dependence structure, proving that relative controllability for some delays implies relative controllability for all delays that are “less rationally dependent" than the original ones. Finally, we provide an upper bound on the minimal controllability time for a system depending only on its dimension and on its largest delay.

  • In [9] we address the stability of transport systems and wave propagation on general networks with time-varying parameters. We do so by reformulating these systems as non-autonomous difference equations and by providing a suitable representation of their solutions in terms of their initial conditions and some time-dependent matrix coefficients. This enables us to characterize the asymptotic behavior of solutions in terms of such coefficients. In the case of difference equations with arbitrary switching, we obtain a delay-independent generalization of the well-known criterion for autonomous systems due to Hale and Silkowski. As a consequence, we show that exponential stability of transport systems and wave propagation on networks is robust with respect to variations of the lengths of the edges of the network preserving their rational dependence structure. This leads to our main result: the wave equation on a network with arbitrarily switching damping at external vertices is exponentially stable if and only if the network is a tree and the damping is bounded away from zero at all external vertices but at most one.