Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Visit of prof. Tomi Klein from Bar Ilan University (Israel). One week, december 2016. Collaboration for the application of approximate hash function to the TGS data analysis [P. Peterlongo]
Visit of Hristo Djidjev from Los Alamos National Laboratory, June 2016. Graph algorithms for scaffolding problem, professeur invité, University of Rennnes 1, [R. Andonov]
Visit of Guillaume Chapuis from Los Alamos National Laboratory, June 2016. Parallelism, GPU. [R. Andonov, D. Lavenier]
Samyadeep Basu, BITS Pilani, India, May - July 2016. Development of a web server for assembling bacteria genomes [D. Lavenier, P. Durand, C. Deltel]