2016 Project-Team Activity Report
HExapode, PHysiology, AssISTance and RobOtics
Research centre:
Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée
Computer Science and Digital Science:
- 2.3. - Embedded and cyber-physical systems
- 5.1. - Human-Computer Interaction
- 5.6. - Virtual reality, augmented reality
- 5.10. - Robotics
- 5.11. - Smart spaces
- 6.1. - Mathematical Modeling
- 6.2. - Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis & Optimization
- 6.4. - Automatic control
- 7.6. - Computer Algebra
- 7.14. - Game Theory
- 8.5. - Robotics
Other Research Topics and Application Domains:
- 2.1. - Well being
- 2.5. - Handicap and personal assistances
- 2.7. - Medical devices
- 2.8. - Sports, performance, motor skills
- 3.1. - Sustainable development
- 5.2. - Design and manufacturing
- 5.6. - Robotic systems
- 8.1. - Smart building/home
- 8.4. - Security and personal assistance
- 9.1. - Education
- 9.2. - Art
- 9.10. - Ethics