Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • In 2016, Emmanuel Baccelli was general chair of the RIOT Summit.

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • In 2016, Aline Viana was on the conference program committee for IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA-2017).

  • In 2016, Emmanuel Baccelli was in the conference programm committee of the ACM MobileHealth'16.

Scientific Events Selection

  • In 2016, Cédric Adjih was reviewer for WINCOM'16, and Globecom 2016.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • In 2016, Aline Viana was Associate Editor of ACM Computer Communication Review (ACM CCR) and Editorial Board member of "Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Open Access Journal" of John Wiley&Sons and Hindawi.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • In 2016, Aline Viana was reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing (TMC), Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier AdHoc Networks, Elsevier Computer Networks.

  • In 2016, Emmanuel Baccelli was member of the IETF Routing Directorate, and as such was reviewing RFCs in the making.

Invited Talks

  • In 2016, Emmanuel Baccelli gave a number of invited talks on the topic of RIOT, including at the IoT Meetup (April 2016 in Athens, Greece), at the RIOT Summit (July 2016 in Berlin, Germany), at TelecomParisTech for ICSSEA'16 (June 2016, Paris, France), at EclipseCon'16 (October 2016 in Ludwigsburg, Germany), at Fraunhofer FOKUS for ASQF Day (December 2016 in Berlin, Germany)

  • In 2016, Cédric Adjih gave a talk on RIOT at IFSSTAR (November 2016 in paris, France).

  • In 2016, we also gave several invited talks at: Stochastic Networks Conference, UCSD; CIRM workshop on random matrices; Institut Henri Poincaré’s “Nexus” of Information and Computation Theories; EPFL workshop for birthdays of Shannon, Urbanke and Telatar (see: http://www.etru50.com/invited-speakers/) ; LINCS scientific advisory board.

Scientific Expertise

  • In 2016, Cédric Adjih served as a expert reviewer for one ANR call for proposals.