Section: New Results
List of results
Landau damping in Sobolev spaces for the Vlasov-HMF model
In [25], the authors consider the Vlasov-HMF (Hamiltonian Mean-Field) model. They consider solutions starting in a small Sobolev neighborhood of a spatially homogeneous state satisfying a linearized stability criterion (Penrose criterion). They prove that these solutions exhibit a scattering behavior to a modified state, which implies a nonlinear Landau damping effect with polynomial rate of damping.
Fast Weak-Kam Integrators for separable Hamiltonian systems
In [4], the authors consider a numerical scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi equations based on a direct discretization of the Lax-Oleinik semi-group. They prove that this method is convergent with respect to the time and space stepsizes provided the solution is Lipschitz, and give an error estimate. Moreover, They prove that the numerical scheme is a geometric integrator satisfying a discrete weak-KAM theorem which allows to control its long time behavior. Taking advantage of a fast algorithm for computing min–plus convolutions based on the decomposition of the function into concave and convex parts, they show that the numerical scheme can be implemented in a very efficient way.
The weakly nonlinear large-box limit of the 2D cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
In [23], the authors consider the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation set on a two dimensional box of size with periodic boundary conditions. By taking the large box limit in the weakly nonlinear regime (characterized by smallness in the critical space), we derive a new equation set on that approximates the dynamics of the frequency modes. This nonlinear equation turns out to be Hamiltonian and enjoys interesting symmetries, such as its invariance under Fourier transform, as well as several families of explicit solutions. A large part of this work is devoted to a rigorous approximation result that allows to project the long-time dynamics of the limit equation into that of the cubic NLS equation on a box of finite size.
An asymptotic preserving scheme for the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell equations in the classical limit
In [13], the authors consider the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell (RVM) equations in the limit when the light velocity goes to infinity. In this regime, the RVM system converges towards the Vlasov–Poisson system and the aim of this work is to construct asymptotic preserving numerical schemes that are robust with respect to this limit. A number of numerical simulations are conducted in order to investigate the performances of our numerical scheme both in the relativistic as well as in the classical limit regime. In addition, they derive the dispersion relation of the Weibel instability for the continuous and the discretized problem.
Free Vibrations of Axisymmetric Shells: Parabolic and Elliptic cases
In [41], approximate eigenpairs (quasimodes) of axisymmetric thin elastic domains with laterally clamped boundary conditions (Lamé system) are determined by an asymptotic analysis as the thickness () tends to zero. The departing point is the Koiter shell model that we reduce by asymptotic analysis to a scalar model that depends on two parameters: the angular frequency and the half-thickness . Optimizing for each chosen , we find power laws for in function of that provide the smallest eigenvalues of the scalar reductions. Corresponding eigenpairs generate quasimodes for the 3D Lamé system by means of several reconstruction operators, including boundary layer terms. Numerical experiments demonstrate that in many cases the constructed eigenpair corresponds to the first eigenpair of the Lamé system.
Geometrical conditions are necessary to this approach: The Gaussian curvature has to be nonnegative and the azimuthal curvature has to dominate the meridian curvature in any point of the midsurface. In this case, the first eigenvector admits progressively larger oscillation in the angular variable as tends to 0. Its angular frequency exhibits a power law relation of the form with in the parabolic case (cylinders and trimmed cones), and the various s , , and in the elliptic case. For these cases where the mathematical analysis is applicable, numerical examples that illustrate the theoretical results are presented.
High frequency oscillations of first eigenmodes in axisymmetric shells as the thickness tends to zero
In [30], the lowest eigenmode of thin axisymmetric shells is investigated for two physical models (acoustics and elasticity) as the shell thickness () tends to zero. Using a novel asymptotic expansion we determine the behavior of the eigenvalue and the eigenvector angular frequency for shells with Dirichlet boundary conditions along the lateral boundary, and natural boundary conditions on the other parts.
First, the scalar Laplace operator for acoustics is addressed, for which is always zero. In contrast to it, for the Lamé system of linear elasticity several different types of shells are defined, characterized by their geometry, for which tends to infinity as tends to zero. For two families of shells: cylinders and elliptical barrels we explicitly provide and and demonstrate by numerical examples the different behavior as tends to zero.
On numerical Landau damping for splitting methods applied to the Vlasov-HMF model
In [24], we consider time discretizations of the Vlasov-HMF (Hamiltonian Mean-Field) equation based on splitting methods between the linear and non-linear parts. We consider solutions starting in a small Sobolev neighborhood of a spatially homogeneous state satisfying a linearized stability criterion (Penrose criterion). We prove that the numerical solutions exhibit a scattering behavior to a modified state, which implies a nonlinear Landau damping effect with polynomial rate of damping. Moreover, we prove that the modified state is close to the continuous one and provide error estimates with respect to the time stepsize.
High-order Hamiltonian splitting for Vlasov-Poisson equations
In [5], we consider the Vlasov-Poisson equation in a Hamiltonian framework and derive new time splitting methods based on the decomposition of the Hamiltonian functional between the kinetic and electric energy. Assuming smoothness of the solutions, we study the order conditions of such methods. It appears that these conditions are of Runge-Kutta-Nyström type. In the one dimensional case, the order conditions can be further simplified, and efficient methods of order 6 with a reduced number of stages can be constructed. In the general case, high-order methods can also be constructed using explicit computations of commutators. Numerical results are performed and show the benefit of using high-order splitting schemes in that context. Complete and self-contained proofs of convergence results and rigorous error estimates are also given.
Uniformly accurate exponential-type integrators for Klein-Gordon equations with asymptotic convergence to classical splitting schemes in the nonlinear schrödinger limit
In [34], we introduce efficient and robust exponential-type integrators for Klein-Gordon equations which resolve the solution in the relativistic regime as well as in the highly-oscillatory non-relativistic regime without any step-size restriction under the same regularity assumptions on the initial data required for the integration of the corresponding nonlinear Schrödinger limit system. In contrast to previous works we do not employ any asymptotic or multiscale expansion of the solution. This allows us to derive uniform convergent schemes under far weaker regularity assumptions on the exact solution. In addition, the newly derived first- and second-order exponential-type integrators converge to the classical Lie, respectively, Strang splitting in the nonlinear Schrödinger limit.
Convergence of a normalized gradient algorithm for computing ground states
In [45], we consider the approximation of the ground state of the one-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation by a normalized gradient algorithm combined with linearly implicit time integrator, and finite difference space approximation. We show that this method, also called imaginary time evolution method in the physics literature, is locally convergent, and we provide error estimates: for an initial data in a neighborhood of the ground state, the algorithm converges exponentially towards a modified soliton that is a space discretization of the exact soliton, with error estimates depending on the discretization parameters.
Improved error estimates for splitting methods applied to highly-oscillatory nonlinear Schrödinger equations
In [8], we analyse the error behavior of operator splitting methods for highly-oscillatory differential equations. The scope of applications includes time-dependent nonlinear Schrödinger equations, where the evolution operator associated with the principal linear part is highly-oscillatory and periodic in time. In a first step, a known convergence result for the second-order Strang splitting method applied to the cubic Schrödinger equation is adapted to a wider class of nonlinearities. In a second step, the dependence of the global error on the decisive parameter , defining the length of the period, is examined. The main result states that, compared to established error estimates, the Strang splitting method is more accurate by a factor , provided that the time stepsize is chosen as an integer fraction of the period. This improved error behavior over a time interval of fixed length, which is independent of the period, is due to an averaging effect. The extension of the convergence result to higher-order splitting methods and numerical illustrations complement the investigations.
Solving highly-oscillatory NLS with SAM: numerical efficiency and geometric properties
In [7], we present the Stroboscopic Averaging Method (SAM), which aims at numerically solving highly-oscillatory differential equations. More specifically, we first apply SAM to the Schrödinger equation on the 1-dimensional torus and on the real line with harmonic potential, with the aim of assessing its efficiency: as compared to the well-established standard splitting schemes, the stiffer the problem is, the larger the speed-up grows (up to a factor 100 in our tests). The geometric properties of SAM are also explored: on very long time intervals, symmetric implementations of the method show a very good preservation of the mass invariant and of the energy. In a second series of experiments on 2-dimensional equations, we demonstrate the ability of SAM to capture qualitatively the long-time evolution of the solution (without spurring high oscillations).
Highly-oscillatory evolution equations with non-resonant frequencies: averaging and numerics
In [40], we are concerned with the application of the recently introduced multi-revolution composition methods, on the one hand, and two-scale methods, on the other hand, to a class of highly-oscillatory evolution equations with multiple frequencies. The main idea relies on a well-balanced reformulation of the problem as an equivalent mono-frequency equation which allows for the use of the two aforementioned techniques.
A formal series approach to the Center Manifold theorem
In [35], we consider near-equilibrium systems of ordinary differential equations with explicit separation of the slow and stable manifolds. Formal B-series like those previously used to analyze highly-oscillatory systems or to construct modified equations are employed here to construct expansions of the change of variables, the center invariant manifold and the reduced model. The new approach may be seen as a process of reduction to a normal form, with the main advantage, as compared to the standard view conveyed by the celebrated center manifold theorem, that it is possible to recover the complete solution at any time through an explicit change of variables.
Uniformly accurate time-splitting methods for the semi-classical Schrödinger equation, Part II: Numerical analysis
This article [39] is second part of a twofold paper devoted to the construction of numerical methods which remain insensitive to the smallness of the semiclassical parameter for the Schrödinger equation in the semiclassical limit. Here, we specifically analyse the convergence behavior of the first-order splitting introduced in Part I, for a linear equation with smooth potential. Our main result is a proof of uniform accuracy.
Averaging of highly-oscillatory transport equations
In [38], we develop a new strategy aimed at obtaining high-order asymptotic models for transport equations with highly-oscillatory solutions. The technique relies upon recent developments averaging theory for ordinary differential equations, in particular normal form expansions in the vanishing parameter. Noteworthy, the result we state here also allows for the complete recovery of the exact solution from the asymptotic model. This is done by solving a companion transport equation that stems naturally from the change of variables underlying high-order averaging. Eventually, we apply our technique to the Vlasov equation with external electric and magnetic fields. Both constant and non-constant magnetic fields are envisaged, and asymptotic models already documented in the literature and re-derived using our methodology. In addition, it is shown how to obtain new high-order asymptotic models.
Asymptotic preserving and time diminishing schemes for rarefied gas dynamic
In [11], we introduce a new class of numerical schemes for rarefied gas dynamic problems described by collisional kinetic equations. The idea consists in reformulating the problem using a micro-macro decomposition and successively in solving the microscopic part by using asymptotically stable Monte Carlo methods. We consider two types of decompositions, the first leading to the Euler system of gas dynamics while the second to the Navier-Stokes equations for the macroscopic part. In addition, the particle method which solves the microscopic part is designed in such a way that the global scheme becomes computationally less expensive as the solution approaches the equilibrium state as opposite to standard methods for kinetic equations which computational cost increases with the number of interactions. At the same time, the statistical error due to the particle part of the solution decreases as the system approach the equilibrium state. This causes the method to degenerate to the sole solution of the macroscopic hydrodynamic equations (Euler or Navier-Stokes) in the limit of infinite number of collisions. In a last part, we will show the behaviors of this new approach in comparisons to standard Monte Carlo techniques for solving the kinetic equation by testing it on different problems which typically arise in rarefied gas dynamic simulations.
Asymptotic Preserving scheme for a kinetic model describing incompressible fluids
The kinetic theory of fluid turbulence modeling developed by Degond and Lemou (2002) is considered for further study, analysis and simulation. Starting with the Boltzmann like equation representation for turbulence modeling, a relaxation type collision term is introduced for isotropic turbulence. In order to describe some important turbulence phenomenology, the relaxation time incorporates a dependency on the turbulent microscopic energy and this makes difficult the construction of efficient numerical methods. To investigate this problem, we focus in this work [17] on a multi-dimensional prototype model and first propose an appropriate change of frame that makes the numerical study simpler. Then, a numerical strategy to tackle the stiff relaxation source term is introduced in the spirit of Asymptotic Preserving Schemes. Numerical tests are performed in a one-dimensional framework on the basis of the developed strategy to confirm its efficiency.
Numerical schemes for kinetic equations in the diffusion and anomalous diffusion limits. Part I: the case of heavy-tailed equilibrium
In [15], we propose some numerical schemes for linear kinetic equations in the diffusion and anomalous diffusion limit. When the equilibrium distribution function is a Maxwellian distribution, it is well known that for an appropriate time scale, the small mean free path limit gives rise to a diffusion type equation. However, when a heavy-tailed distribution is considered, another time scale is required and the small mean free path limit leads to a fractional anomalous diffusion equation. Our aim is to develop numerical schemes for the original kinetic model which works for the different regimes, without being restricted by stability conditions of standard explicit time integrators. First, we propose some numerical schemes for the diffusion asymptotics; then, their extension to the anomalous diffusion limit is studied. In this case, it is crucial to capture the effect of the large velocities of the heavy-tailed equilibrium, so that some important transformations of the schemes derived for the diffusion asymptotics are needed. As a result, we obtain numerical schemes which enjoy the Asymptotic Preserving property in the anomalous diffusion limit, that is: they do not suffer from the restriction on the time step and they degenerate towards the fractional diffusion limit when the mean free path goes to zero. We also numerically investigate the uniform accuracy and construct a class of numerical schemes satisfying this property. Finally, the efficiency of the different numerical schemes is shown through numerical experiments.
Numerical schemes for kinetic equations in the anomalous diffusion limit. Part II: degenerate collision frequency
In [14], which is the continuation of [15], we propose numerical schemes for linear kinetic equation which are able to deal with the fractional diffusion limit. When the collision frequency degenerates for small velocities it is known that for an appropriate time scale, the small mean free path limit leads to an anomalous diffusion equation. From a numerical point of view, this degeneracy gives rise to an additional stiffness that must be treated in a suitable way to avoid a prohibitive computational cost. Our aim is therefore to construct a class of numerical schemes which are able to undertake these stiffness. This means that the numerical schemes are able to capture the effect of small velocities in the small mean free path limit with a fixed set of numerical parameters. Various numerical tests are performed to illustrate the efficiency of our methods in this context.
Multiscale schemes for the BGK-Vlasov-Poisson system in the quasi-neutral and fluid limits. Stability analysis and first order schemes
In [12], we deal with the development and the analysis of asymptotic stable and consistent schemes in the joint quasi-neutral and fluid limits for the collisional Vlasov-Poisson system. In these limits, the classical explicit schemes suffer from time step restrictions due to the small plasma period and Knudsen number. To solve this problem, we propose a new scheme stable for choices of time steps independent from the small scales dynamics and with comparable computational cost with respect to standard explicit schemes. In addition, this scheme reduces automatically to consistent discretizations of the underlying asymptotic systems. In this first work on this subject, we propose a first order in time scheme and we perform a relative linear stability analysis to deal with such problems. The framework we propose permits to extend this approach to high order schemes in the next future. We finally show the capability of the method in dealing with small scales through numerical experiments.
Uniformly accurate forward semi-Lagrangian methods for highly oscillatory Vlasov-Poisson equations.
In [16], we deal with the numerical simulation of a Vlasov-Poisson equation modeling charged particles in a beam submitted to a highly oscillatory external electric field. A numerical scheme is constructed for this model. This scheme is uniformly accurate with respect to the size of the fast time oscillations of the solution, which means that no time step refinement is required to simulate the problem. The scheme combines the forward semi-Lagrangian method with a class of Uniformly Accurate (UA) time integrators to solve the characteristics. These UA time integrators are derived by means of a two-scale formulation of the characteristics, with the introduction of an additional periodic variable. Numerical experiments are done to show the efficiency of the proposed methods compared to conventional approaches.
Multi-scale methods for the solution of the radiative transfer equation
Various methods have been developed and tested over the years to solve the radiative transfer equation (RTE) with different results and trade-offs. Although the RTE is extensively used, the approximate diffusion equation is sometimes preferred, particularly in optically thick media, due to the lower computational requirements. Recently, multi-scale models, namely the domain decomposition methods, the micro-macro model and the hybrid transport- diffusion model, have been proposed as an alternative to the RTE. In domain decomposition methods, the domain is split into two subdomains, namely a mesoscopic subdomain where the RTE is solved and a macroscopic subdomain where the diffusion equation is solved. In the micro-macro and hybrid transport-diffusion models, the radiation intensity is decomposed into a macroscopic component and a mesoscopic one. In both cases, the aim is to reduce the computational requirements, while maintaining the accuracy, or to improve the accuracy for similar computational requirements. In [10], these multi-scale methods are described, and the application of the micro-macro and hybrid transport-diffusion models to a three- dimensional transient problem is reported. It is shown that when the diffusion approximation is accurate, but not over the entire domain, the multi-scale methods may improve the solution accuracy in comparison with the solution of the RTE. The order of accuracy of the numerical schemes and the radiative properties of the medium play a key role in the performance of the multi-scale methods.
Nonlinear Geometric Optics method based multi-scale numerical schemes for highly-oscillatory transport equations
In [42], we introduce a new numerical strategy to solve a class of oscillatory transport PDE models which is able to capture accurately the solutions without numerically resolving the high frequency oscillations in both space and time. Such PDE models arise in semiclassical modeling of quantum dynamics with band-crossings, and other highly oscillatory waves. Our first main idea is to use the nonlinear geometric optics ansatz, which builds the oscillatory phase into an independent variable. We then choose suitable initial data, based on the Chapman-Enskog expansion, for the new model. For a scalar model, we prove that so constructed model will have certain smoothness, and consequently, for a first order approximation scheme we prove uniform error estimates independent of the (possibly small) wave length. The method is extended to systems arising from a semiclassical model for surface hopping, a non-adiabatic quantum dynamic phenomenon. Numerous numerical examples demonstrate that the method has the desired properties.
Asymptotic Preserving numerical schemes for multiscale parabolic problems
In [18], we consider a class of multiscale parabolic problems with diffusion coefficients oscillating in space at a possibly small scale . Numerical homogenization methods are popular for such problems, because they capture efficiently the asymptotic behaviour as goes to 0, without using a dramatically fine spatial discretization at the scale of the fast oscillations. However, known such homogenization schemes are in general not accurate for both the highly oscillatory regime () and the non oscillatory regime (). In this paper, we introduce an Asymptotic Preserving method based on an exact micro-macro decomposition of the solution which remains consistent for both regimes.
Uniformly accurate numerical schemes for the nonlinear dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime
In [47], we apply the two-scale formulation approach to propose uniformly accurate (UA) schemes for solving the nonlinear Dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime. The nonlinear Dirac equation involves two small scales and with in the nonrelativistic limit regime. The small parameter causes high oscillations in time which bring severe numerical burden for classical numerical methods. We present a suitable two-scale formulation as a general strategy to tackle a class of highly oscillatory problems involving the two small scales and . A numerical scheme with uniform (with respect to ) second order accuracy in time and a spectral accuracy in space are proposed. Numerical experiments are done to confirm the UA property.
Semiclassical Sobolev constants for the electro-magnetic Robin Laplacian
In [26], we deal with the asymptotic analysis of the optimal Sobolev constants in the semiclassical limit and in any dimension. We combine semiclassical arguments and concentration-compactness estimates to tackle the case when an electromagnetic field is added as well as a smooth boundary carrying a Robin condition. As a byproduct of the semiclassical strategy, we also get exponentially weighted localization estimates of the minimizers.
On the MIT bag model: self-adjointness and non-relativistic limit
This paper [32] is devoted to the mathematical investigation of the MIT bag model, that is the Dirac operator on a smooth and bounded domain with certain boundary conditions. We prove that the operator is self-adjoint and, when the mass goes to infinity, we provide spectral asymptotic results.
Global behavior of N competing species with strong diffusion: diffusion leads to exclusion
It is known that the competitive exclusion principle holds for a large kind of models involving several species competing for a single resource in an homogeneous environment. Various works indicate that the coexistence is possible in an heterogeneous environment. We propose in [6] a spatially heterogeneous system modeling the competition of several species for a single resource. If spatial movements are fast enough, we show that our system can be well approximated by a spatially homogeneous system, called aggregated model, which can be explicitly computed. Moreover, we show that if the competitive exclusion principle holds for the aggregated model, it holds for the spatially heterogeneous model too.
Extended Rearrangement inequalities and applications to some quantitative stability results
In [28], we prove a new functional inequality of Hardy-Littlewood type for generalized rearrangements of functions. We then show how this inequality provides quantitative stability results of steady states to evolution systems that essentially preserve the rearrangements and some suitable energy functional, under minimal regularity assumptions on the perturbations. In particular, this inequality yields a quantitative stability result of a large class of steady state solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson systems, and more precisely we derive a quantitative control of the norm of the perturbation by the relative Hamiltonian (the energy functional) and rearrangements. A general non linear stability result has been obtained recently by Lemou, Méhats and Raphaël (2012) in the gravitational context, however the proof relied in a crucial way on compactness arguments which by construction provides no quantitative control of the perturbation. Our functional inequality is also applied to the context of 2D-Euler system and also provides quantitative stability results of a large class of steady-states to this system in a natural energy space.
Mate Finding, Sexual Spore Production, and the Spread of Fungal Plant Parasites
Sexual reproduction and dispersal are often coupled in organisms mixing sexual and asexual reproduction, such as fungi. The aim of this study [27] is to evaluate the impact of mate limitation on the spreading speed of fungal plant parasites. Starting from a simple model with two coupled partial differential equations, we take advantage of the fact that we are interested in the dynamics over large spatial and temporal scales to reduce the model to a single equation. We obtain a simple expression for speed of spread, accounting for both sexual and asexual reproduction. Taking Black Sigatoka disease of banana plants as a case study, the model prediction is in close agreement with the actual spreading speed (100 km per year), whereas a similar model without mate limitation predicts a wave speed one order of magnitude greater. We discuss the implications of these results to control parasites in which sexual reproduction and dispersal are intrinsically coupled.
Dimension reduction for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates with anisotropic confinement
In [29], we consider the three-dimensional time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation arising in the description of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates and study the corresponding scaling limit of strongly anisotropic confinement potentials. The resulting effective equations in one or two spatial dimensions, respectively, are rigorously obtained as special cases of an averaged three dimensional limit model. In the particular case where the rotation axis is not parallel to the strongly confining direction the resulting limiting model(s) include a negative, and thus, purely repulsive quadratic potential, which is not present in the original equation and which can be seen as an effective centrifugal force counteracting the confinement.
Averaging of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with strong magnetic confinement
In [46], we consider the dynamics of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with strong constant magnetic fields. In an asymptotic scaling limit the system exhibits a purely magnetic confinement, based on the spectral properties of the Landau Hamiltonian. Using an averaging technique we derive an associated effective description via an averaged model of nonlinear Schrödinger type. In a special case this also yields a derivation of the LLL equation.
The Interaction Picture method for solving the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation in optics
The interaction picture (IP) method is a very promising alternative to Split-Step methods for solving certain type of partial differential equations such as the nonlinear Schrödinger equation used in the simulation of wave propagation in optical fibers. The method exhibits interesting convergence properties and is likely to provide more accurate numerical results than cost comparable Split-Step methods such as the Symmetric Split-Step method. In [1] we investigate in detail the numerical properties of the IP method and carry out a precise comparison between the IP method and the Symmetric Split-Step method.
Diffusion limit for the radiative transfer equation perturbed by a Markovian process
In [21], we study the stochastic diffusive limit of a kinetic radiative transfer equation, which is non-linear, involving a small parameter and perturbed by a smooth random term. Under an appropriate scaling for the small parameter, using a generalization of the perturbed test-functions method, we show the convergence in law to a stochastic non-linear fluid limit.
Estimate for for the stochastic Burgers equation
In [20], we consider the Burgers equation on perturbed by white noise and the corresponding transition semigroup . We prove a new formula for (where is bounded and Borel) which depends on but not on its derivative. Then we deduce some new consequences for the invariant measure of as its Fomin differentiability and an integration by parts formula which generalises the classical one for gaussian measures.
Degenerate Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Quasilinear case
In [22], we study the Cauchy problem for a quasilinear degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equation driven by a cylindrical Wiener process. In particular, we adapt the notion of kinetic formulation and kinetic solution and develop a well-posedness theory that includes also an -contraction property. In comparison to the first-order case (Debussche and Vovelle, 2010) and to the semilinear degenerate parabolic case (Hofmanová, 2013), the present result contains two new ingredients: a generalized Itô formula that permits a rigorous derivation of the kinetic formulation even in the case of weak solutions of certain nondegenerate approximations and a direct proof of strong convergence of these approximations to the desired kinetic solution of the degenerate problem.
An integral inequality for the invariant measure of a stochastic reaction-diffusion equation
In [19], we consider a reaction-diffusion equation perturbed by noise (not necessarily white). We prove an integral inequality for the invariant measure of a stochastic reaction-diffusion equation. Then we discuss some consequences as an integration by parts formula which extends to a basic identity of the Malliavin Calculus. Finally, we prove the existence of a surface measure for a ball and a half-space of .
Large deviations for the two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with vanishing noise correlation
In [36], we are dealing with the validity of a large deviation principle for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation, with periodic boundary conditions, perturbed by a Gaussian random forcing. We are here interested in the regime where both the strength of the noise and its correlation are vanishing, on a length scale and , respectively, with . Depending on the relationship between and we will prove the validity of the large deviation principle in different functional spaces.
Quasilinear generalized parabolic Anderson model
In [33], we provide a local in time well-posedness result for a quasilinear generalized parabolic Anderson model in dimension two . The key idea of our approach is a simple transformation of the equation which allows to treat the problem as a semilinear problem. The analysis is done within the setting of paracontrolled calculus.
The Schrödinger equation with spatial white noise potential
In [44], we consider the linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a spatial white noise as a potential in dimension 2. We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions thanks to a change of unknown used by Hairer and Labbé (2015) and conserved quantities.