Major publications by the team in recent years
1N. Cheriere, M. Dorier.
Design and Evaluation of Topology-aware Scatter and AllGather Algorithms for Dragonfly Networks, November 2016, Supercomputing 2016, Poster. -
2A. Costan, R. Tudoran, G. Antoniu, G. Brasche.
TomusBlobs: Scalable Data-intensive Processing on Azure Clouds, in: CCPE - Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, May 2013. -
3B. Da Mota, R. Tudoran, A. Costan, G. Varoquaux, G. Brasche, P. J. Conrod, H. Lemaitre, T. Paus, M. Rietschel, V. Frouin, J.-B. Poline, G. Antoniu, B. Thirion.
Machine Learning Patterns for Neuroimaging-Genetic Studies in the Cloud, in: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, April 2014, vol. 8. -
4M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, L. Orf.
Damaris: How to Efficiently Leverage Multicore Parallelism to Achieve Scalable, Jitter-free I/O, in: CLUSTER - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Beijing, China, IEEE, September 2012. -
5M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, R. Ross, D. Kimpe, S. Ibrahim.
CALCioM: Mitigating I/O Interference in HPC Systems through Cross-Application Coordination, in: IPDPS - International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Phoenix, United States, May 2014. -
6M. Dorier, M. Dreher, T. Peterka, G. Antoniu, B. Raffin, J. M. Wozniak.
Lessons Learned from Building In Situ Coupling Frameworks, in: ISAV 2015 - First Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization (held in conjunction with SC15), Austin, United States, November 2015. [ DOI : 10.1145/2828612.2828622 ] -
7M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, R. Ross.
Omnisc'IO: A Grammar-Based Approach to Spatial and Temporal I/O Patterns Prediction, in: SC14 - International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, New Orleans, United States, IEEE, ACM, November 2014. -
8M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, R. Ross.
Using Formal Grammars to Predict I/O Behaviors in HPC: the Omnisc'IO Approach, in: TPDS - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, October 2015. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPDS.2015.2485980 ] -
9B. Nicolae, G. Antoniu, L. Bougé, D. Moise, A. Carpen-Amarie.
BlobSeer: Next-Generation Data Management for Large-Scale Infrastructures, in: JPDC - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, February 2011, vol. 71, no 2, pp. 169–184. -
10B. Nicolae, J. Bresnahan, K. Keahey, G. Antoniu.
Going Back and Forth: Efficient Multi-Deployment and Multi-Snapshotting on Clouds, in: HPDC 2011 - The 20th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, San José, CA, United States, June 2011. -
11R. Tudoran, A. Costan, G. Antoniu.
OverFlow: Multi-Site Aware Big Data Management for Scientific Workflows on Clouds, in: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, June 2015. [ DOI : 10.1109/TCC.2015.2440254 ]
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
12M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, R. R. Sisneros, O. Yildiz, S. Ibrahim, T. Peterka, L. G. Orf.
Damaris: Addressing Performance Variability in Data Management for Post-Petascale Simulations, in: ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 2016. -
13M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, R. Ross.
Using Formal Grammars to Predict I/O Behaviors in HPC: the Omnisc'IO Approach, in: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2016. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPDS.2015.2485980 ] -
14M. Dorier, O. Yildiz, S. Ibrahim, A.-C. Orgerie, G. Antoniu.
On the energy footprint of I/O management in Exascale HPC systems, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, March 2016, vol. 62, pp. 17–28. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.future.2016.03.002 ] -
15S. Ibrahim, T.-D. Phan, A. Carpen-Amarie, H.-E. Chihoub, D. Moise, G. Antoniu.
Governing Energy Consumption in Hadoop through CPU Frequency Scaling: an Analysis, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, January 2016, 14 p. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.future.2015.01.005 ] -
16Y. Simmhan, L. Ramakrishnan, G. Antoniu, C. Goble.
Cloud computing for data-driven science and engineering: Special issue on the Cloud computing for data-driven science and engineering workshop (ScienceCloud 2012), in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 947–949. [ DOI : 10.1002/cpe.3668 ] -
17R. Tudoran, A. Costan, G. Antoniu.
OverFlow: Multi-Site Aware Big Data Management for Scientific Workflows on Clouds, in: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2016. [ DOI : 10.1109/TCC.2015.2440254 ] -
18R. Tudoran, A. Costan, O. Nano, I. Santos, H. Soncu, G. Antoniu.
JetStream: Enabling high throughput live event streaming on multi-site clouds, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, January 2016, vol. 54. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.future.2015.01.016 ] -
19S. Wu, S. Tao, X. Ling, H. Fan, H. Jin, S. Ibrahim.
iShare: Balancing I/O performance isolation and disk I/O efficiency in virtualized environments, in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016. -
20O. Yildiz, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu.
Enabling Fast Failure Recovery in Shared Hadoop Clusters: Towards Failure-Aware Scheduling, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, March 2016. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.future.2016.02.015 ]
International Conferences with Proceedings
21N. Cheriere, P. Donat-Bouillud, S. Ibrahim, M. Simonin.
On the Usability of Shortest Remaining Time First Policy in Shared Hadoop Clusters, in: SAC 2016-The 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Pisa, Italy, April 2016. -
22M. Dorier, R. R. Sisneros, L. Bautista-Gomez, T. Peterka, L. Orf, L. Rahmani, G. Antoniu, L. Bougé.
Adaptive Performance-Constrained In Situ Visualization of Atmospheric Simulations, in: Cluster 2016 - The IEEE 2016 International Conference on Cluster Computing, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016. -
23O.-C. Marcu, A. Costan, G. Antoniu, M. S. Pérez.
Spark versus Flink: Understanding Performance in Big Data Analytics Frameworks, in: Cluster 2016 - The IEEE 2016 International Conference on Cluster Computing, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2016. -
24P. Matri, A. Costan, G. Antoniu, J. Montes, M. S. Pérez.
Towards Efficient Location and Placement of Dynamic Replicas for Geo-Distributed Data Stores, in: ScienceCloud'16 - 7th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (in conjunction with ACM HPDC 2016), Kyoto, Japan, June 2016. [ DOI : 10.1145/2913712.2913715 ] -
26L. Pineda-Morales, J. Liu, A. Costan, E. Pacitti, G. Antoniu, P. Valduriez, M. Mattoso.
Managing Hot Metadata for Scientific Workflows on Multisite Clouds, in: BIGDATA 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Washington, United States, December 2016. -
27O. Yildiz, M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, R. Ross, G. Antoniu.
On the Root Causes of Cross-Application I/O Interference in HPC Storage Systems, in: IPDPS 2016 - The 30th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Chicago, United States, May 2016.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
28B. Memishi, S. Ibrahim, M. S. Pérez-Hernández, G. Antoniu.
On the Dynamic Shifting of the MapReduce Timeout, in: Managing and Processing Big Data in Cloud Computing, R. Kannan, R. U. Rasool, H. Jin, S. Balasundaram (editors), IGI Global, 2016. -
29A. C. Zhou, B. He, S. Ibrahim.
A Taxonomy and Survey of Scientific Computing in the Cloud, in: Big Data: Principles and Paradigms, eScience and Big Data Workflows in Clouds: A Taxonomy and Survey, Morgan Kaufmann, June 2016.
Internal Reports
30M. Dorier, R. R. Sisneros, L. Bautista-Gomez, T. Peterka, L. G. Orf, R. Ross, L. Rahmani, G. Antoniu, L. Bougé.
Performance-Constrained In Situ Visualization of Atmospheric Simulations, Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, February 2016, no RR-8855, 27 p. -
31P. Matri, A. Costan, G. Antoniu, J. Montes, M. S. Pérez.
Týr: Efficient Transactional Storage for Data-Intensive Applications, Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, January 2016, no RT-0473, 25 p.
Other Publications
32N. Cheriere, M. Dorier.
Design and Evaluation of Topology-aware Scatter and AllGather Algorithms for Dragonfly Networks, November 2016, Supercomputing 2016, Poster. -
33L. Rahmani, M. Dorier, L. Bougé, G. Antoniu, R. R. Sisneros, T. Peterka.
Towards Smart Visualization Framework for Climate Simulations, March 2016, working paper or preprint. -
34Y. Taleb, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, T. Cortes.
Understanding how the network impacts performance and energy-efficiency in the RAMCloud storage system, October 2016, working paper or preprint.
35Amazon Elastic Map-Reduce (EMR). -
36The Decaf Project. -
37Digital Single Market, 2015. -
38European Exascale Software Initiative, 2013. -
39The European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing, 2012. -
40European Cloud Strategy, 2012. -
41Apache Flink, 2016. -
42International Exascale Software Program, 2011. -
43Scientific challenges of the Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique research centre, 2016. -
44Inria's strategic plan "Towards Inria 2020", 2016. -
45Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing (JLESC). -
46Apache Spark. -
47Storm. -
48The FlowVR Project, 2014. -
49T. Akidau, A. Balikov, K. Bekiroğlu, S. Chernyak, J. Haberman, R. Lax, S. McVeety, D. Mills, P. Nordstrom, S. Whittle.
MillWheel: fault-tolerant stream processing at internet scale, in: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2013, vol. 6, no 11, pp. 1033–1044. -
50J. Dean, S. Ghemawat.
MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters, in: Communications of the ACM, 2008, vol. 51, no 1, pp. 107–113. -
51S. Wilde, M. Hategan, J. M. Wozniak, B. Clifford, D. Katz, I. T. Foster.
Swift: A language for distributed parallel scripting, in: Parallel Computing, 2011, vol. 37, no 9, pp. 633–652.